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Elijah Cummings: Obstruction of Justice |
He's a f**king criminal. . . .Throw his f**king ass IN JAIL. -- Lee (with no courage to write his last name and fully identify himself) the Liberal Troll
Yes, indeed, ranking Oversight Committee member Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) may be a criminal.
He has been obstructing justice for the past year, preventing the Oversight Committee from investigation the IRS abuses which targeted conservative groups, according to recent reports, which reveal that Cummings was working behind the scenes to target True the Vote, despite his protestations to the contrary.
The back-and-forth drama on the Oversight Committee has gotten heated over the past few months. Last month, Cummings threw a fit when Issa shut down a hearing after retired IRS Director Lois Lerner plead the Fifth Amendment. Issa fired off a personal letter at Cummings, claiming that he and his attorneys were frustrating the fact-finding mission of the Oversight Committee.
Following revelations that Cummings' staff was working with the IRS to get information on True the Vote, the same group Cummings tried to shame into silence through the race card, further evidence indeed suggests that Cummings was shaking down and intimidating the group, with the help of the IRS.
Katherine Englebrecht, the head of True the Vote, filed an ethics complaint against Cummings already. The ranking Congressman sent letters seeking information, but then went public to the press about True the Vote instead of speaking the head of True the Vote for information. Englebrecht argued that Cummings targeted her group for political reasons, as one federal agency after another began investigating the group, carrying with their visits a strong presence of intimidation:
After Engelbrecht formed her group and sought tax-exempt status, she and her family, which previously had no contact with any government agency of any kind, were buried by an alphabet soup of government harassers, including the ATF, OSHA and the IRS that Cummings was coordinating with.
New IRS emails released by a congressional panel show staff working for the Democratic ranking member communicated with the IRS multiple times in 2012 and 2013 about a voter-fraud prevention group.
Apparently, Cummings was working with the IRS to target True the Vote, which supports Voter ID laws to prevent voter fraud, reforms which Cummings opposes.
IBD continues:
On Feb. 6, in a subcommittee hearing that heard the testimony of Catherine Engelbrecht — founder of True the Vote, who was targeted by the IRS, FBI and other federal agencies — Cummings vehemently denied that his staff had any contact or coordination in targeting True the Vote.
Cummings on three separate occasions had sent letters with his title on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee stating that he had concerns and that True the Vote should be investigated.
Issa slammed Cummings in a letter about this matter:
"Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials — which you did not disclose to majority members or staff — indicates otherwise," states a letter to Cummings from Issa and five other subcommittee chairmen.
Now, Mother Jones magazine rises to Cummings' defense, yet even they had to acknowledge the following:
Issa's main gripe is that Cummings sent questions to True the Vote that were similar to questions the IRS put to the organization. He says that although Cummings denied that his staff "might have been involved in putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these federal agencies," his communications indicate otherwise. Issa also claims that Cummings didn't adequately inform the committee of his interactions with the IRS.
Why did Cummings hide the fact that he had been investigating True the Vote? Even Mother Jones cannot paper over this disturbing inconsistency. I wonder if Democrats will assemble on the House Floor and call out their own colleague for covering up his actions on the panel.
Now we can understand why Cummings shouted "I am tired of this!" in an attempt to smear Issa and distract the committee from finding out that he is knee-deep in the IRS targeting himself. To this day, the Mainstream Media ignores the matter, and White House Spokesman Jay Carney calls these disturbing trends "phony scandals" ,yet at the same time acknowledges that they must be investigated..
As these allegations increase, what would be the penalty for Cummings' obstruction of justice in a federal criminal investigation? Five years in federal prison.
Lee (no courage) should definitely shout at Cummings: Throw his f**king ass IN JAIL.
Arthur, you are a weak piece of shit. Twisting my words to support your false narrative, eh? You stupid motherfucker--no wonder the school district fired you.
ReplyDelete“Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.”
ReplyDelete― Spencer W. Kimball
You are proving my points about modern liberal-progressivism with your curse-laden comments.
Another Republican witch hunt.
ReplyDelete“Fox News Sunday” is the place where Republican politicians go to make empty accusations without fear of follow-up questions. So let's note that the show’s host, Chris Wallace asked follow-ups in an interview on Sunday with Representative Charles Boustany, Republican of Louisiana.
As chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight, Mr. Boustany has been trying to prove that the White House directed the Internal Revenue Service to persecute Tea Party groups. Mr. Wallace asked if he had “any evidence, after a year of investigation,” that anyone in the White House or high up in the Treasury Department or even the I.R.S. itself did anything of the sort.
The answer is no. But Mr. Boustany tried to blame his empty-handedness on Lois Lerner, the former head of the I.R.S. division in charge of reviewing applications from non-profit organizations for tax-exempt status. He said Ms. Lerner had deprived his committee of the information it needed by exercising her constitutional right not to answer questions.
Mr. Wallace did not let that go. He said many people, “including Republicans,” think that Mr. Boustany’s committee and the other dog-with-a-bone panel in the House, headed by Representative Darrell Issa, “have blown” the I.R.S. investigation.
“I mean, let’s face it,” Mr. Wallace said, “nobody really cares what Lois Lerner did, the question is did she get it from higher ups or just the decision by a mid level bureaucrat in the IRS?”
He asked why the committee didn’t give Ms. Lerner immunity and ask a simple question: “were you given direction by anybody above you?”
Mr. Boustany deigned to admit that Mr. Wallace was raising a “debatable point” that was “worthy of discussion.” But the Fox anchor again did not let him slide. “You’ve had a year sir,” he said. “You’ve had a year.”
I should say that unlike the Republicans cited by Mr. Wallace, I think giving Ms. Lerner immunity would have been pointless, because it’s pretty clear there was no conspiracy.
But turning up hard evidence was never really the point of these investigations. As with the endless inquiries into the Benghazi killings, the point was to keep the Obama administration snarled up in hearings in order to interfere with the president’s political agenda.
Looks like Twitter suspended Artie the Spam Man again. Ha!
ReplyDeleteLee -- I am honored that libs are trying to block my tweets with false spam reports. Not working. I gained more followers during the period. Very low attempt to stop someone from sending forth info. Glad you stopped cursing. You took my advice. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAnother fake Issa/Fox "News" "scandal":
ReplyDeleteOne of the groups that Issa is concerned may have been unfairly targeted is True the Vote, an organization whose mission is to root out voter fraud. At least as early as February 2012, the IRS was requesting information from True the Vote about its activities, including any for-profit organizations it was associated with.
A few months later, in August, Cummings contacted the IRS to notify the agency that his own staff was planning to investigate the organization. On October 4, 2012, his office sent the first of a series of letters to True the Vote requesting information about its activities. Cummings was concerned that the group was engaging in voter intimidation and partisan activities, such as making a $5,000 donation to the Republican State Leadership Committee. Cummings asked the IRS for “publicly available information” about the group in January 2013.
Issa (and news organizations that choose to believe Issa) see this as a great outrage, because as they see it, Cummings might have helped put True the Vote “on the radar screen” of the IRS. I’m not sure why that would be a scandal even if it were true – lawmakers refer matters to various federal agencies for investigation all the time. Indeed, Issa himself, urging the IRS in 2009 to investigate – wait for it – ACORN.
But in this case, it’s wrong anyway, since there’s documented proof that the IRS took an interest in True the Vote and its alleged voter-intimidation efforts months before Cummings contacted the agency. What’s more, all Cummings did was seek additional public information on the group.
Issa further complains that Cummings was working in secret, “colluding with” the IRS without notifying the Oversight Committee which Cummings helps lead. But that’s wrong, too – Cummings actually gave Issa a copy of the correspondence he sent and posted it online at the time.
Adding insult to injury, Issa already had all of these materials, but conveniently kept the documents to himself when launching his attack against Cummings, hoping news outlets would run with half a misleading story. (He does that a lot.)
Naturally, the question then becomes why Issa would launch an attack he knows to be false. Only the flailing committee chairman knows for sure, though I suspect it has something to do with generating election-year headlines on Fox News such as, “Where’s the Outrage? Media ignores Cummings role in IRS scandal.”
There is no Cummings role, there is no IRS scandal, and there is no outrage, but other than these minor details, Issa and Fox are in great shape.
Poor Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). The hapless chairman of the House Oversight Committee came up with all kinds of creative ideas about the IRS and assorted “scandals,” all of which turned out to be baseless.
Great stories you guys tell. Now tell us the one about Lois Lerner's computer crash and how all her e-mails were lost. Be sure to tell us how they didn't even search for the back ups, and claim to be so stupid that they didn't know there were back ups or that no one was looking for them for over a year.
DeleteOh, and I love the one about Holder and Obama knew nothing and had nothing to do with Fast & Furious, but still invoked "executive privilege". I could go on, but suffice to say all your leftist defense of the most corrupt administration in history is composed of compost and the stuff you step around in barnyards.
Thanks, Mike, for your comments. The Democratic Propganda Machine, AKA "The Mainstream Media" is losing steam fast. They cannot keep up with their own lies anymore.
DeleteUsing your full name to slam a government official would invite an IRS audit.
ReplyDeleteRemain anonymous!
Excellent article! We are linking to this great post on our site.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great writing.