Republican Congressional Leaders are standing their ground, opposing the discharge petition for immigration bills. I am really impressed. The leaders in Congress are starting to pay attention to their constituents and the general tone of the country on illegal immigration.
Let's not kid ourselves: 2018 is an election year, and therefore every incumbent who hopes to get re-elected and maintain their majority need to turn out legislation and policies which will help the country.
For now, let's be glad that House leaders are acting like ... leaders on the immigration issue (and don't forget to hammer the GOP hall of shame which has signed onto the discharge petition):
Yesterday, the Republican House Leadership soundly denounced the recalcitrant Republican congress members who have signed onto the DACA amnesty Discharge Petition. See the list of the 19 SHAMEFUL Republican congress members below who are now working with the Democrats on the issue of amnesty for DACA recipients as they attempt to force a floor vote.
CALL & THANK the Republican House Leadership for taking a stand against the Discharge Petition that would force a DACA amnesty floor vote in the House. If it's after business hours, leave a voice mail message.
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (202) 225-2915
Majority Whip Steve Scaliese (202) 225-3015
 GOP House Leadership Fight Discharge Petition for 'Queen of the Hill' Resolution
 House Leadership: Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA) and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA)
PUBLISHED: Thu, MAY 10th 2018 @ 11:52 am EDTHouse Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) are resisting Rep. Carlos Curbelo's (R-Fla.) decision to file a Discharge Petition for Rep. Jeff Denham's (R-Calif.) resolution (H.Res. 774) yesterday, which could force a vote in the House on DACA amnesty legislation.
"I'm not a believer in discharge petitions because you're turning the floor over to Democrats," Rep. McCarthy said. "I hope the discharge petition doesn't get the signatures and we continue to work the legislative process to solve this problem ...
"I've talked to some Members about the importance of keeping control of the legislative vehicle and solving the problem on our terms where we focus on solutions, not politics."
Rep. Scalise went on to promote Rep. Bob Goodlatte's H.R. 4760, the Securing America's Future Act, which he and 96 others have cosponsored.
"We have a regular process that we've been working through and Goodlatte-McCaul, I still think, is the right answer to the problem -- I'm a cosponsor of the bill -- but there's still work being done," he said.
"I know there are some people that might want a different approach [to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program], and that's really where our conference has been the most divided ...
"The good news is on Goodlatte-McCaul, the McCaul portions of the bill, we pretty much have a widespread agreement on how to secure our border."
If every Democrat were to sign onto the Petition, only 25 Republicans would need to sign on to force a floor vote.
If the petition garners the required number of signatures, a House vote would be required on four proposals -- Rep. Bob Goodlatte's Securing America's Future Act, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard's (D-Calif.) Dream Act, an amendment of House Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) choosing, and an amendment of Rep. Denham's choosing.
The proposal that receives the most votes and exceeds 218 votes would be passed by the House.
For more on this story, see The Hill.
- amnesty
Updated: Fri, May 11th 2018 @ 10:07am EDT
Dear activist, Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) has launched a Discharge Petition in an attempt to force a vote on Rep. Jeff Denham's (R-Calif.) H.Res.774. H.Res.774 is a House Resolution that, if passed, would require votes on several DACA amnesty proposals with the proposal receiving the most votes, and at least 218 votes, officially adopted by the House. This is a clear effort by a small group of House Republicans to pass a no-strings amnesty against the wishes of the American people and their Party's leaders. The Discharge Petition already has signatures from 17 House Republicans. If a total of 25 House Republicans and all Democratic Representatives also sign on, it would reach the necessary 218 signatures to force a vote on Rep. Denham's amnesty Resolution.

CALL your congress member and demand that your congress member OPPOSES the DISCHARGE PETITION to bring DACA amnesty bills to the floor for a vote, which is being promoted by these rogue Republicans even though House Leadership has objected. Find your congress member here:
BELOW ARE THE REPUBLICANS WHO HAVE SIGNED THE DISCHARGE PETITION. CALL THEM AND TELL THEM TO REMOVE THEIR NAMES FROM THE DISCHARGE PETITION. THEY WANT TO FORCE A VOTE IN SUPPORT OF AMNESTY FOR DACA RECIPIENTS. Tell them to help AMERICAN CITIZENS - veterans, homeless American families, disabled Americans, and unemployed Americans - NOT DACA recipients. Let them know you will work to vote them out of office if they do not remove their names from the discharge petition.
DIAL *67 before the phone number for your phone number to not display. |
Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a Resolution | | |
| | May 9, 2018 |
To the Clerk of the House of Representatives: | | |
Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XV, I, Carlos Curbelo, move to discharge the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H.Res. 774) entitled, a resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4760) to amend the immigration laws and the homeland security laws, and for other purposes, which was referred to said committee March 13, 2018, in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit:
If you want more info on each of the congress members below, click on their website links
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