Norma Torres was an illegal alien in this country.
Then she received legal status, then went all the way up the election ladder from city council to Congress.
She needs to be deported ... from office!

NO DACA AMNESTY RALLY In Front Of Rep Norma Torres' Office
2/28/18 Ontario, CA Report by Robin Hvidston
VIDEO: NO DACA AMNESTY RALLY in the Democrat District of Rep Norma Torres.
NOTE: Guatemalan born Rep Norma Torres arrived in the USA at age 5 and overstayed her visa. She was in the USA illegally until she was a teenager.
Constituent Loree Masonis organized the NO DACA AMNESTY Rally in Democrat Rep Norma Torres' district.
After a No DACA AMNESTY Rally near Rep Norma Torres' Ontario office, the activists headed over to her district office. Video to follow. Finally, a NO DACA AMNESTY Rally was staged for a half hour in front of the Pomona City Hall. Norma Torres lives in Pomona and was the former Pomona mayor. The local residents seemed stunned to see a group of citizens rallying in opposition to DACA in the heart of illegal alien country. There were stares from passersby, middle fingers and even some horn honking in support.
A FORMER ILLEGAL ALIEN, Rep Norma Torres is a tireless advocate for illegal aliens and DACA recipients. She speaks out on the house floor, issues press releases, tweets in support of illegals and posts on their behalf on her Facebook page.
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