Saturday, January 6, 2018

Breaking: Cheating Chad Mayes Donates to CAGOP Minority Leader for Re-Election

It just goes from bad to worse sometimes.

The fate of the CAGOP?

Republican lawmakers and leaders are finally taking steps to drain the swamp in Washington DC. Let me remind you that not all of them are fully on board. Those "Republicans" who have been thwarting the President and the GOP base for decades are starting to see their opposition fail in the face of a renewed opposition.

Brian Dahle (R-Redding)
New State Assembly Minority "Leader"
But in California, only now are voters like me seeing how deep the Deep State runs.

And it's not good.

I can't believe that Republicans, including the weak-kneed, spineless former minority leader Chad Mayes would broker one of the most corrupt, bankrupted, and useless legislative deals in the state. The Cap and Trade cop-out was beyond unseemly, and sad proof that both parties in Sacramento have sold out for third-house money.

The grassroots throughout the state raised their voices and demanded Mayes' ouster. Yes, he finally stepped down, but he pretty much dictated the terms of his own surrender. His replacement, Brian Dahle, seemed like a step in the right direction.

He seemed like one ...

I confronted him at the Anaheim Marriott last October, and he and his handlers were not that interested in hearing from me and other grassroots activists fed up with both parties selling out to the Deep State and making the rest of us pay for it.

Then I found this out today:

CHAD MAYES FOR ASSEMBLY 2016 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 4400 2017-12-29 2018-01-02
CHAD MAYES FOR ASSEMBLY 2016 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 4400 2017-12-29 2018-01-02

This is beyond untenable. This is not leadership. This is capitulation. Chad Mayes has no business ever serving in the state legislature at all. He should not only have resigned his leadership, but should have resigned his seat in the state assembly.

Cap and Trade is a tax hike on our gas, on our food supplies, and a total giveaway to Big Business and Big Labor--and 8 Republicans voted for it, including Cheating Chad. Other Republicans were also tempted to go along witht the corrupt program, too, but at the last minute changed their votes.

This corrupt deal was brokered not just with Chad Mayes, but his swamp-creature chief of staff Joe Justin, an "Obama Republican" political consultant whose only interest has been enriching himself.

Brian Dahle is supposed to be leading the state party out of this left-wing wilderness, but instead he's going along with it!

We are witnessing how both parties, especially the "conservative" GOP, which is supposed to favor lowering taxes, regulations, fees, as well as reducing the size and scope of the state in general.

Now we see, once again, that the  new leadership is just the old leadership with a new face.

Californians! We need to take our state back, every part of it, from corrupt Republican and Democratic lawmakers.

Shame on Brian Dahle. Call his office right now and demand that he stand with the voters and taxpayers.

CAPITOL OFFICE: State Capitol, Suite 3104, Sacramento, CA 94249 | 916-319-2001

DISTRICT OFFICE: 280 Hemsted Drive, Suite 110, Redding, CA 96002 | 530-223-6300

(This story is developing. More information to follow ...)


This post had previously reported that Brian Dahle had donated to Chad Mayes' re-election campaign. I apologize for the error.

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