Saturday, September 17, 2011

A. J. Duffy and the Hypocrisy of School Reform

The firebrand former head of the UTLA now wants to lead a community of charter schools, an association which is taking over where the Crescendo schools failed, having been decommissioned for a testing scandal.

His engagement in the charter school movement, a phenomenon he opposed vociferously throughout his six years running the LAUSD teacher's union, is suspect.

According to his vision, his charter community will permit a unionized staff, with a fast-track probationary process to evaluate teachers with a mentor and a principal, who will then decided at established intervals whether to keep a teacher or to let him go. There will be plenty of safeguards and steps to prevent immediate discipline and dismissal of teachers.

How does this serve the community? How does this serve students and parents looking for education without all the statist trappings and political intrigue of scuffling school boards and teachers unions?

"The idea of me running a charter school never entered the picture," Duffy quipped, nor should it ever had gotten to that stage.

Duffy's bombastic presence in educational administration will demonstrate why unions should not be allowed in public education. Teachers bargaining on behalf of their interests will create another interest that impedes the proper training and encourage of young people.

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