Friday, September 2, 2011

Faith is the Sixth Sense

We all know about the five senses:

Vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

To what degree that we retain these senses is a matter of usage, custom, and self-care.

There is much talk of the sixth sense. What is it?


Faith that moves mountains, faith that sees the end with the beginning, even before the task has begun. Faith that informs the despondent that there is far more than meets the eye.

Faith that trumps the lie that the Promised Land is not yours.

Faith that overrides every sense, when every feeling and fact screams failure.

Faith that connects the dots when nothing seems to make sense.

Faith that moves a nation to be born, then be born again.

Faith that moves a man to be born, than born again, for all eternity.

Faith that shrinks the enemy and expands your strength.

Which magnifies the One who made you, who loved you, who died for you, that you may live with Him forever.

Faith is the sixth sense to a dying world which has gone senseless.

Yet to those who believe, it is the only sense that makes sense to cultivate, above all others.

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