Saturday, December 29, 2018

Torrance City Council: Goodrich, Coyotes, and Cullen

Torrance City Council:

I am further concerned that Councilman Goodrich wrote a letter to one classroom and one teacher:

Kathy Cullen, and in regards to her unethical assignment forcing her students to write letters protesting a change in the city's Coyote Management program.

Here's her Facebook post:

Here's a snippet photo:

There's nothing wrong with anyone writing a letter to someone else. Mr. Goodrich can communicate with anyone he wants to per correspondence. The class wrote letters thanking him, too, although I don't know why ...

Why is this letter on Torrance Letterhead? Highly inappropriate. He should have sent this letter on private correspondence.

Mr. Goodrich, did you work with this teacher to have her write those letters? 

I also noticed that Mayor Pat Furey paid a surprise visit to this teacher, Mrs. Cullen.

and also

Perhaps there needs to be an investigation into this.

Mrs. Cullen's letter writing assignment was unethical and wrong. Teachers are not supposed to proseltyize or campaign for political causes, and especially to direct the students to advocate a position.

I would like some answer to this, please.

Thank you.


Arthur Christopher Schaper

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. I think teaching children about civic responsibility is wonderful. Only submitting letters from a handful of students that appear to have been spoon fed ideas they don't seem to fully understand went too far.

    Ms. Cullen is simply using her students. I have copies of what the students submitted to city council if you want them. They are public records.
