Monday, September 12, 2011

Response to "Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories"‏

At what point will individuals cease to blame the Jews for every hardship and catastrophe?

The ludicrous allegations of Jew-plotting in the 9-11 attacks strikes one as so sophomoric, if not inane, that the lunacy littered throughout the Czarist-forged "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" at least has the nefarious merit of insidious creativity.

Why continue to puzzle over the archetype "original instigators" of the vicious attack which rocked this nation's complacent sense of security? Bin Laden and Co. had plotted to topple the Twin Towers before, then succeeded in blowing up United States' embassies and military craft up until that fateful September Morning.

No matter who ultimately instigated the heinous scheme, Al-Qaeda operatives took shameful advantage of a confused security network left unrepaired when President Bill Clinton left office. The Islamic radicals hijacked American aircraft, which in fifty minutes could have been neutralized following more responsive efforts from our federal aviation network.

Notwithstanding the egregious errors of the United States Government to safeguard this nation, President Bush and Obama did not rest until they had prosecuted a full military response to those attacks, wiping out the Taliban in Afghanistan, executing Al-Qaeda operatives throughout the Middle East, and finally slaying the Playboy Saudi Arabian who had been leading these wicked terrorists all this time.

Rather than debunking the Anti-Semitic cant implicating Jews, Judaism, and the Jewish State in 9-11, why don't the American press corps and United States Government promote the anti-terrorist reconnaissance employed by the state of Israel, right down to the armed guard who boards every plane leaving El-Al? Last time I checked, terrorists have not hijacked a plane taking off from Tel Aviv. . .

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