Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Real, The Rational, and the Truth

"The Real is Rational, and the Rational is Real" -- George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"Man is a synthesis of the finite and the infinite, of the temporal and the eternal.” - -Soren Kierkegaard

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." -- Jesus Christ

Though our sense and sensibilities cry out that there is danger ahead, that we are angry with foregone conclusions and long-gone calamities, the truth that we believe can set us free.

The truth speaks to eternal verities, unchanged by time and circumstance.

What is real, what is rational, what our minds understand or comprehend, what presents itself apparently to our thoughts and feelings, lasts for a time, but will change, fade away, or disappear.

Human beings are dust defined within by divinity, breathed to rebirth by faith in the Grace of Him who died for us.

We carry within us the eternal power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, yet our minds need evermore to be renewed, and our outer man daily dies.

So, the great struggle, as outlined by Paul the Apostle in Romans 7, that we desire what we do not, that we do what we desire not, animates the conflict of our infinite spirit versus our finite flesh.

Will we believe what He has said, the One who loved us and gave His life for us, or will we still succumb to ourselves, deceptive and degenerate, one day to be transformed into forever-glory?

As Jesus said the night that He was betrayed: "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak." (Mark 14:38, KJV)

By His Word, by His Spirit, we overcome.

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