Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Public Education and My Connection to Vince Bravo

Weird times have been spinning at Lawndale High School and Centinela Valley Union High School District.

Vince Bravo was an excellent administrator, one who led a school which would be recognized by the state as "Distinguished"

Yet within two years, he went from respected principal to unexpected and undesired upper eschelon bureaucrat in Centinela Valley District Office, only to be demoted to Spanish teacher at Leuzinger High School.

Like playing "Six Degrees of Separation," what do I have in common, or in connection,with Mr. Bravo.

I had the unique privilege of closing his class at Leuzinger High School last year.

I read his story, briefly in early December the previous year. I was astonished that someone so capable could be treated so shabbily.

Vicente Bravo
Then, in a weird twilight zone moment, I was in the class, the history was coming together. I found myself strangely walking within the bureaucratic nonsense which has caused so much dysfunction, which has deprived so many students of a stable education in this district.

I was closing Mr. Bravo's class, the same man who had led Lawndale High School to become a California Distinguished School. The same man, who after being involuntarily promoted, transferred, the demoted, resigned his position in CV to work for Los Angeles County Office of Education.

A few months later, I spotted Mr. Bravo outside the Centinela Valley District Office. He appeared to be in good humor, in spite of the rampant disrespect which he was forced to endure. Some of the janitorial staff even recognized him and greeted him warmly, At first, I wanted to say something, greet him in turn, congratulate him for the work he did at Lawndale, then express the regret and upset which I felt having read what he had endured from the District Administration.

Unfortunately, he departed before I could have a word with him.

I just hope he knows that his students really enjoyed him, and they miss him. I also understand to an extent what he went through. I hope that Mr. Bravo will be richly rewarded in spite of what he put with after a number of successful years at Centinela Valley Union High School District.

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