This has got to be one of the worst kept secrets in LA politics.
Congresswoman Janice Hahn (D-San Pedro) |
Congresswoman Janice Hahn is going to run for LA County Board of Supervisors in 2016, when Don Knabe is termed out.
She will have the best chance at capturing the seat, since she will be following the well-laid steps from her father, Kenneth Hahn, who served on the Board of Supervisors for forty years.
Don Knabe, LA County Supervisor |
She still owns the desk which her father used.
The Hahn name is still revered among a number of the black communities in the Los Angeles area.
How do I know this?
I just received this email from the California Friends of the African-American Caucus:
Dear 31.3 Million California, Chicago, Atlanta Georgia, Washington D.C. & Sacramento, Dallas & San Antonio Texas, Friends of the African American Publication.
 I LOVE ME SOME Congresswoman Janice Hahn and, will follow her anywhere in the World, SO GET READY, because a change is coming!!!
Yes Black Lives do Matter.
Chef Basil
Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come
Congresswoman Janice Hahn
As a child her Dad was a Los Angeles County Supervisor for my area. I often saw Kenneth Hahn in the Community. He had a driver, his County Car was a simple white small Ford. I still remember him waving and smiling!
Kenny Hahn was the person that initiated call boxes on the Freeway! He also welcomed MLK to L.A .One of his greatest accomplishment was to bring MLK Hospitals to Watts/ Compton. He was a true Community Leader mainly because he loved People and Los Angeles. Hahn did what he could do to move California Forward!
When I see Janice Hahn. I see daddies Girl.
Velvet Chinonya Victorian
Basil Kimbrew
California Friends of the African American
Publication, Chair
Political Consultant
Second Chance Group
California Democratic Voter Guide
Army Veteran
International Political Chef
Alpha Phi Alpha
Le Cordon Bleu, Graduate
Is anyone surprised to know that Janice Hahn, whom I somewhat affectionately call "Aunt Janice" is very likely running for Daddy's old seat?
It is not unusual for members of Congress to give up a federal office and return for more executive authority in their respective states.
Gloria Negrete-McCleod |
Congresswoman Gloria Negrete-McCleod stepped down after only one term, to run for the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. She lost to Republican Curt Hagman, though.
Will Janice Hahn be able to translate her prior elective victories as a three-term LA City Councilwoman and Congressional representative to replace Don Knabe?
Don Knabe's current district. |
A number of names have been kicking around in the past few months of other prospective candidates, including former Torrance, CA mayor Frank Scotto, LA City Councilmember Joe Buscaino. Other potential Republicans might include Paul Tanaka (if he wanted to try for another seat after losing his run for Sheriff). Michael Englander, another member of LA City Council, could run for the seat, if he lives within the boundaries of the district.
Whatever one's hopes of gaining this seat, Congresswoman Hahn's political machine, plus legacy and name recognition, are strong features in the LA-Harbor area, and anyone attempting to challenge that political hegemony will face more than an uphill battle.
Will LA County residents see Supervisor Hahn on the name placards once again? In 2016, that may very well be the case.
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