Friday, July 20, 2012

The Real Issue Behind Romney, Bain Capital, and Tax Returns

I believe that Mitt Romney would do himself, his party, and the country a favor by releasing his tax returns as far back as his father the former Governor of Michigan had done decades before.

If Romney does have off-shore accounts, he could use this revelation to expose the dysfunction tax system which discourages wealthy people from keeping their wealth in this country.

Under President Obama's leadership, the Bush Tax cuts have been extended only incrementally, which rattles markets and entrepreneurs who need stability and predictability in planning for investment and job growth. The United States still labors under the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and now businesses are hurting under the ObamaCare tax, which will force them to put forward more for their workers' healthcare.

Instead of attacking Romney for his tax returns, we need to hold the president accountable for promoting a tax code and tax culture which discourages wealth creation in the first place, driving well-endowed people to place their enormous wealth in off-shore accounts to avoid the outrageous taxes.

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