Monday, July 16, 2012

Red Leviathan Worse than the Great White Shark

Red Leviathan -- Far More Dangerous

Marine Biologist Eric Martin intervened to rescue a Great White Shark that a local fisherman had caught off the Manhattan Beach Pier.

When the fisherman refused to cut the struggling shark loose, the biologist fetched a knife and freed the creature from the fishing line.

Martin used this unique catch to teach us about the endangered and federally protected animal, which cannot survive when it cannot swim freely.

I wish that someone would take time to teach people about the dangers of a far more dangerous creature, the Great Red Leviathan of Big Government. With a sea of red ink, not blood, the ravenous Red Leviathan will stop at nothing, eating up our schools, impoverishing our revenue base with regulations and anti-business taxation, and scaring away California’s remaining job and wealth creators. This evil creature is devouring our country whole and needs to be caught and killed so that every Californian, and American, can live freely.

Red Leviathan is endangering our natural habitat—the state of California – and must be stopped!

Instead of cutting fishing lines, who will cut the spending and bureaucratic waste of the Red Leviathan? Who will protect the endangered taxpayers from this money-hungry, blood-thirsty menace, an immoral and unaccountable monster that taxes and spends its victims into a slow and painful demise? Who will rescue the growing number of victims who depend on this monster’s handouts, who are losing their self-respect and livelihood?

Everyone deserves to live free and clear, without becoming prey of the Leviathan.

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