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"Reverend" Jesse Jackson Called Darrell Issa's Conduct "Racist" Yet Jackson compared to the Tea Party to the slave-holding Confederacy |
The Congressional Black Caucus then issued a letter to Speaker John Boehner, calling Chairman Issa “a disgrace” and demanded that the California Congressman lose his chairmanship.
Then the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson commented on the little committee tiff with a tweet:
Congressman Darrell Issa's behavior was crude, wrong, racist
and mean towards Congressman Elijah Cummings. Do you agree?
Rev. Jackson wants to indict Issa for invidious discrimination.
There was this feeling that we were kind of beyond racism. That’s
not true. His [whose? Obama’s] victory has triggered tremendous backlash.
Yet barely four years ago, Jackson had to apologize after a hot mike caught him saying that he would like to "cut off his [Obama] nuts" . . . then: "Barack...he's talking down to black people...telling niggers how to behave."
“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson’s comments about his experiences living and working
with African-Americans, along with other comments which placed him on leave
with A & E, Jackson
These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago. At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’
When Robertson returned to the program, Jackson muttered, “I do not feel good about it.”
And yet barely a month proper, reported in the National
Review In November, 2013, Jackson frequently referred
to the United States as “The Land of the Free, and the home of the genocide”
followed by an outrageous anti-Tea Party tirade:
Those in the Confederacy sought to maintain the walls [of
slavery] and secede from the country, the shots fired at Fort Sumter – the
beginning of the Tea Party, the ‘Fort Sumter’ Tea Party, who sought to secede
from the Union, set their own government, their own currency, sought to ally
with France and Britain, to form their own country.
But the comment which followed was particularly invidious:
Goldwater and Reagan – had they been successful,” Jackson said, “it would have been illegal for blacks and whites to play together on a Saturday afternoon. You couldn’t have had the Carolina Panthers behind the cotton curtain playing the Atlanta Falcons . . . it would have been illegal for them to even sit together.
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And the Reverend is calling Issa and Phil Roberston racist? |
Americans should not feel good about such comments coming from anyone,
especially a man who calls himself "Reverend".
again, Jackson felt entitled to call New York City ‘Hymietown’ while campaigning for the Democratic nomination for President in 1984.(Hymie is an anti-Semitic slur)
Wonder why he lost the 1984 Democratic primary bid. . .
But at least no one should wonder about Jackson’s
double-standard on race-baiting and hatred.
"The Congressional Black Caucus then issued a letter to Speaker John Boehner, calling Chairman Issa “a disgrace” and demanded that the California Congressman lose his chairmanship."
ReplyDeleteYou see....THIS is the kind of ridiculous mesh mash racial JUNK that just makes my blood boil. Every stinkin' time someone (non black) says something they (Congressional Black Caucus) don't agree with..suddenly they are racist,offensive whites living in hymietown,USA. I'm sick and tired of feeling like I have to walk on eggshells everywhere I go so as not to offend what ever flavor of person we happen to be discussing on any particular day....unless it's a white hymie of course. Then it's A-OK to spew all ya want...cause THIS is PAYBACK time Brotha. It's a recipe for a false agenda...poured into a melting pot of "boohoo's and feel sorry for me's" and it's got to stop NOW. Obama came along if for no other treason then to destroy this country and use whatever he had to force it back into the days of racial tensions and aggression. It's unfortunate that he decided to go there...but he did. We all need a healing..in a very BIG WAY. This is not the way to do it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts. Please share this post with anyone you think would find it interesting!
"I'm sick and tired of feeling like I have to walk on eggshells everywhere I go so as not to offend what ever flavor of person we happen to be discussing on any particular day....unless it's a white hymie of course."
Great points!
You poor, aggrieved white people! Victims, always the victims. A lot like Christians that way...
ReplyDeleteNot aggrieved ANONYMOUS....just sick and tired of the made up BS that has been flying around the race table without any legitimate excuse for it what-so-ever... other then the fact that certain high profile rebel rousers like to keep stirring that pot....and Arthur is NOT one of them. He happens to be making some great points and backs them all up with facts! You, on the other hand have no opinion other then to throw that race card out there and mix it up with a little Christianity jab and hope it sticks. Ridiculous...
DeleteWaaaaahhhhh!!!! Poor Bren. Why'severybodyalwayspickin'onme? Waaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
DeleteWhat are you Anon.....2 years old? LOL! Like I said above...ridiculous.
DeleteLooks like Art likes race-baiting.
ReplyDeleteEd who writes nothing but hate-filled invective. How do you know that I am white? That's racist in itself. But what can one expect from lib-trolls? Yawn, shrug, meh.
ReplyDeleteYour picture accompanies your profile, you goddamn moron.
DeleteCan't judge anyone by a picture. Why are you being racist? Why are you hating?
DeletePeople are getting tired of blacks saying they want to be treated as equals but when you disagree with something they say they scream "racist".
ReplyDeleteYour comment is the very definition of "racist". Tough to recognize yourself in that robe and hood, is it?
DeleteEd also wrote that people who are suffering because of Obamacare are "woefully ignorant or liars." In the face of overwhelming evidence all over the country that individuals are losing their healthcare. Trolls and truth cannot come together.
ReplyDeleteHis full name (?) Edward Samuel Bronson, but he refuses to write his whole name when he posts because of his shame. He has nothing left but ranting and raving, and these posts are raving and gaining traction.
It's over Ed.
Ed Samuel Bronson also wrote: " Your party is a mess and close to the dustbin of electoral history, as it's old, white, rural, xenophobic and completely out of touch"
ReplyDeleteRepublicans which include African-Americans like Allen West, Tim Scott, Larry Elder, Condoleeza Rice, and. Asian Americans like Paul Tanaka of Gardena as well as Allan Fung of Rhode Island -- and Ed says that GOP is racist? Wow, I think that we all know who the racist is now. . . .
Very obvious Art...nothing worse then racist haters...not very becoming at all.
DeleteBren and Art; you are truly Orwellian in your doublespeak. Funny, though.
DeletePoor Art. Cherry-picking from the handful of minorities in a national party and claiming it is diverse. You need to up your game, son!
DeleteHere's a little something for you, Grand Marshall Schaper:
Even before the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) got underway yesterday, it appeared the right had a diversity problem. Of the 25 confirmed speakers scheduled to take the big stage, 22 are men. What’s more, 19 are white.
But the underlying issue looked even worse after the event got underway. Brookings’ John Hudak published a fascinating report.
Thursday afternoon, CPAC hosted a panel on GOP outreach into minority communities. The panel included Virginia Senate candidate Ed Gillespie and a panel of Republican political strategists: Jason Roe, Elroy Sailor, and Robert Woodson. The panel delivered a remarkably pointed review of GOP voter outreach (largely its failures) and explained, in very straightforward terms, how the party can (and must) do better.
However, the most revealing part of the experience was not what happened on stage, but what happened off stage, and reflects the national electoral struggles Republicans are facing.
He tweeted a photograph of a nearly-empty ballroom, filled with empty chairs. I initially thought Hudak had snapped the picture before the session had begun in earnest, but the shot actually captured the attendance 10 minutes into the discussion.
Jesse Jackson is a pathetic angry little person. No matter what issue he injects his two cents into he has to bring up race. I would say get over it Jesse. You have just as many rights as anyone else. The slave era has passed. The only person who is racist in most instances is YOU! I would say get over it & enjoy your life but you wouldn't be happy BEING HAPPY. Race baiting is your livelihood.
ReplyDeleteActually "Sandy" (I use quotation marks as Art is obsessed with my name--probably will be with yours, too!), race baiting is a right-wing thing. Right, Art?
DeleteGee, Art, did you delete your Boonstra post? Here's more:
ReplyDeleteRemember Julie Boonstra, the cancer patient who claimed in a Koch Brothers-funded ad that Obamacare got her good insurance plan cancelled and now her new insurance plan's "out-of-pocket costs are so high, it's unaffordable?"
It turns out that she's actually saving at least $1,200 a year with her new "unaffordable" insurance plan.
Boonstra's ad has come under fire before, with Sen. Harry Reid saying it (and other anti-Obamacare ads) was "untrue" last week. (Boonstra has called Reid's statement hurtful and demanded an apology.) Today, the Detroit News did even more digging and found that Boonstra's old plan cost her $13,200 a year in premiums alone. That's not including what she spent on out-of-pocket expenses, like co-pays and deductibles.
Boonstra's new "unaffordable" plan, on the other hand, will cost her $11,952 in premiums and out-of-pocket costs, which means she's saving at least $1,200 a year -- probably a lot more than that, as out-of-pocket maximums are usually several thousand dollars.
There was also the matter of a prescription drug that was covered by Boonstra's old plan but not her new one, which she has to buy with a separate prescription drug savings card. This would not be part of her out-of-pocket maximum and thus inflate her medical costs ... except that her new insurance company told the Detroit News that all of her prescriptions are covered by her plan. And that she should probably use her plan to pay for them instead of the discount card so it would apply to her out-of-pocket maximum.
When informed that she was saving money on this new unaffordable plan, Boonstra was thrilled and apologized for being mistaken earlier. Just kidding! She said it "can't be true," and "I personally do not believe that."
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