Saturday, December 1, 2012

Republican vs. Democrat

Republicans tend to say: "Get off your butt and get to work!"

Democrats tend to say: "Sit on your butt and let us work!"

The political system cannot reach out to the inner man, in which people need to depend on someone greater than oneself, yet at the same time letting someone sit down and do nothing is inimical to the best interests of any individual.

Political parties should provide the best vision for expanding individual liberty and protecting the rights of the individual. The leaders in government must recognize that poor policies make people poorer, as well, and that local governments can play the best role in providing the best reforms for individuals.

One Democrat told me that he did not care how big government got, just as long as government was doing its part to help others. I submit that government that governs least does the most good. I do not espouse Thoreau's radical libertarianism, in which the government that governs best does not govern at all. The great fallacy of anarchical libertarians, ignoring the nature of man, which seeks security  and efficacy in tandem with individual liberty cannot be ignored.

Welfare recipients need real assistance, tapered-off help with a leading toward economic freedom. Allowing inner-city residents to choose the schools that they attend with narrow the eligibility gap which impoverishes so many.

If we really want to help people, choice that enables people to make the most of what they have and to overcome the setbacks of a fallen world will advance their interests.

We want people to "get off their butts and get to work", but we  must also recognize that for many, sitting on their butts and letting the state take from some to others has been a way of life, one which cannot be changed in one political election.

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