Thursday, December 13, 2012

Susan Rice withdrawn: Small Win for GOP

President Barack Obama has lost a major battle in Washington.

First he wanted to push the United States UN envoy Susan Rice who presided over one of the biggest foreign policy flaps of this administration.

Benghazi-gate was a disgrace for this country. The "talking points" which Envoy Susan Rice read from gave one the impression that she was either disingenuous, immoral, or just plain incompetent.

I hope that President Obama considers John Kerry, another laughable choice which would resurrect the 2004 Presidential candidate who had "more waffles than a house of pancakes" per JibJab's "This Land" parody.

Of course, if Kerry manages to win confirmation in the US Senate, then outgoing US Senator Scott Brown can run again to replace Kerry and bring back a moderate Republican to help modulate the Tea Party fiscal conservative with social libertarianism.

Republicans, do not despair. There is plenty of  time to reinvent the party ground game for 2013 and beyond.

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