Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Getting Bin Laden: Getting Another President

I applaud our military personnel for taking down Osama bin Laden. I do believe that our nation's armed forces got sidetracked in Afghanistan and Iraq, investing in nation-building in the Middle East instead of national stability here at home.

Like many across the country, I was thrilled when I learned over the breaking news that the United States Marines had taken down the Al-Qaeda Mastermind. President Obama behaved like a real chief executive in declaring that bin Laden was gone for good.

Yet this military success does not make up for his many domestic failures, from stimulus bills to liberal appointments to the Supreme Court. President Obama needs to put credit where credit is due: on our armed forces, not on himself. Yet his propensity to self-aggrandisement has once again come to the forefront, in which he credits the great "I" over and over in his vain attempts to safeguard his legacy and remain in office for four more years.

The incumbent will harp on this military success with all of his rhetorical might, as he has very little else to run on except lingering unemployment, growing budget deficits, and an eroding dollar.

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