Thursday, November 17, 2011

Will DC wreck the economy again?

This is either overt sarcasm or media ignorance at its height!

Of course, the debt-ceiling on mainstream media ignorance will always be topped and overrun, just like the runaway spending-spree Congress.

Washington has no business running anything. Let to its own devices, Congress is running itself and the country into the ground.

Government must be conservative in order to be worth conserving. When government seeks to do more than conserve, then everything else gets lost, loosed, or just plain wasted.

Protect our rights -- the Bill of rights are more of a constraint on the power of the federal government than an offering of license to the American people.

Secure our borders -- Where there is no nation, there is no liberty; where there are no safeguards from marauders and miscreants, there is no freedom. A free society is an open society, one that welcomes newcomers who want to be a part of the grand. But an open door is closed until those who wish to enter knock and acknowledge the rights and privileges who choose to live in the country.

Discharge the debt -- Government debt is not public debt. The American people should not be on the hook for profligate spending from the Beltway. Congress must tighten its belt, no more spending. If government has to shut down, if the debt-ceiling does not rise, if national agencies close up for good, then so be it.

Return all other powers to the states and the people -- No two amendments of the Constitution have been more discredited and disregarded than the Ninth and the Tenth. Those rights not explicitly expressed are not therefore cancelled or annulled. As for the powers not delegated to Congress, they belong properly to the states and the people. It's time for the states and the people to reassert their sovereignty. If the federal government will not release its hold over the system, then by civil disobedience every person and every state government has every right and necessity to take back what was unjustly taken.

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