Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Exhumation of Natalie Wood

The sudden death by drowning of Robert Wagner's wife Natalie Wood has rattled speculation once again.

Was it foul play that lead to her death? Or was it an accident, perhaps fueled by imbibing too much alcohol?

The real issue remains: why are we still discussing this matter?

Police investigators following up on the crime has suggested that in spite of new leads, the theory of the case has not changed.

Some witnesses who were not question thirty years ago have stepped forward about the untimely demise of the actress. All of it sounds more like a crass attempt by non-entities trying to score some celebrity for themselves.

Let Ms. Wood rest in peace. With the economic recovery about to fall back into recession, with a major presidential campaign certain to change or further deteriorate the trajectory of this country, with so many people out of work looking for a way to make ends meet and meet the needs of their families, the local press could do a little better informing readers of more pertinent issues rather than fritting away media space with press niceties that have very little impact or import.

1 comment:

  1. I agree if she was murdered or not the pit is waiting for all who kill and they will pay by the sword Jesus is Lord!!!
