Saturday, November 19, 2011

Response to Dennis Prager Detractors

I find it amusing, yet not surprising, that a number of responses to Prager's take on Global Warming and other myths of Liberal hysteria jump on his skepticism exclusively towards toward Global Warming.

The general tenor of both pieces was the number of hoaxes and distortions that the Liberal media and left-wing pundits percolate constantly, despite the overwhelming evidence that refutes outrageous claims like silicon breast implants cause cancer, the pretended dangers of baby formula and second-hand smoke, and the non-existent explosion of homelessness in America.

It is strange and amusing that many of Prager's critics will zoom in on one issue, yet neglect the numerous facts that he presents along with the general trend that there is far more distortion than truth behind the chronic crises that dominate the headlines.

As Will Rogers once quipped:

"It's not the things you don't know that get you; it's the things you know that just ain't so."

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