Sunday, November 20, 2011

Occupy Everywhere and the Pro-PLO movement

What does Wall Street have to do with the Middle East?

Apparently, some wackos are still convinced that the attacks on the World Trade Center were a Jew-plot intending to bring the world under the Control of the Covenant People.

Such nonsense has been widely debunked, yet the specter of Anti-Semitism is once again haunting the ranks of the radical-Left, this time among the Occupy Everywhere crowd.

If bashing big banks and Crony Corporations were not enough, no various elements are pushing for a Pro-Palestinian plank among the demands for economic equality at all costs.

The radical push for equality knows no bounds, and will only resort to distorting the nonsensical demands of the loose coalition of drifters and miscreants who have lived their entire lives blaming someone else for their problems.

From blaming the United States, to blaming the wealthy, to blaming the Jews and the Jewish State, the cult of social justice will not cease until everyone and everything is leveled.

There is another name of this movement: Communism, and we have seen the results of this warped ideology time and again.

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