Saturday, November 19, 2011

Klear Konviction from "Keeping up with Kandidates"

Our schools are failing, and they are failing our children and our communities.

Mr. Kaplan's opinion of sub-standard education in the United States is on target.

The liberalism that has infected public education has made the pursuit of a meaningful life and career a twelve-year hodge-podge of sentimentality and sensationalism, buttoned up with standardized testing for the aggrandizement of the local school district, instead of the establishment of our youth's future.

The shoddy schooling one receives in adolescence accounts for the shabby vetting adults endure in one dumbed-down debate after another. We need leadership, experience, expertise in this country, not another set of talking heads and talking points which are talking us to death.

The national electorate has become immune to reason and reasoning, hence voting is "more emotional than rational." Yet a rational approach to governance is what we have endured for the past three years with Barack Obama, an academic so ignorant of the real world, that many are hankering for the direction of the first two hundred names listed in the Boston telephone book, made famous by the witty cynicism of conservative scholar William F. Buckley.

At least those individuals received a practical schooling in an applicable trade, something grossly lacking among today's entitled, debt-ridden youth.

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