Friday, October 25, 2013

TEA Party Race Baiting: Empty Smear Campaign

Representatives Alan Grayson (D-Florida) released an offensive mailer which depicted the word "TEA Party" with the first "t" shaped by a burning cross, and two members of the KKK standing in the dark background. Black activists, especially conservatives, are demanding an apology.

In the October 18-31 edition of Random Lengths News [October 18-31, 2013], based in San Pedro and reporting on progressive politics throughout the Harbor Area, published a photo of one man carrying the Confederate Stars and Bars at at DC Rally. The paper picked up on the same empty, offensive meme that a neo-Confederate racism is rising up in this country, all of which because of the TEA Party revolt which rose up in 2009, brought Republicans back into power in 2010, and may be poised for greater wins in 2014.

These allegations of TEA Party = Racism are not only false, but patently reprehensible.

Let's tackle the big lie: the TEA Party movement is made up of racist white people.

Not at all.

I have attended a number of TEA Party rallies, where I met individuals of all colors. I even met Samoans and Japanese, too.

Check out these interviews.

Meet Lloyd Marcus, a vocal Obama detractor and Republican supporter.

These black conseratives, proud members of the movement, debunk the media-hyped lie right away. They turned away any questions which suggest that the TEA Party movement is racist.

MSNBC "Screwball" Chris Matthews will not let up on the racism charges (he accused Ted Cruz of racism, for example). However, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich once questioned if Matthews was racist for inferring that most people on food stamps are black. (Nope! White people are on food stamps. How about helping al Americans get jobs, President Obama?

In Matthew's interview with a black Professor from Washington State and a documentarian following African-Americans in the TEA Party Movement, the second guest pointedly challenges the claims of racism, asking "Why would black people be joining the TEA Party movement, if the movement is filled with African-Americans?"

They are joining the movement, however, and the face of the TEA Party is not a hate-group. However, Christ Matthews and Professor Christopher Parker all claim that the TEA Party movement is full of racists. There is still no evidence to support these charges. Parker's research confirms that black people are joining the movement.

Here are more videos to links this truth:

A group of left-leaning protestors maligned an African-American member of the TEA Party.
Shameful! If there is racism, you will often find it among the left.

Mia Love, a city mayor from Utah, and a Congressional candidate in 2012, is a TEA Party candidate, and an African-American woman!

She has repudiated the charges of racism attached to the TEA Party movement. Ms. Love has nothing to be afraid of. The hateful words uses to rewrite her Wikipedia page have not stopped her.
She called out the false narrative of the Democratic Party, which claims that the Republican Party and the allied TEA Party movement is racist to the core.

An NBC reporter confronted one black man at at TEA Party rally, and he affirmed that there are many black people, as well as individuals of many backgrounds, who attend these TEA Party rallies.
So, Rep. Grayons's tactics are not just offensive, blatantly false, but they need to be repudiated!
Now, a black TEA Party group in Los Angeles is demanding an apology from Alan Grayson for his offensive remarks.

And then there's former Congressman Allan West of Florida, who called out Alan Grayson to apologize for his offensive mailer. US Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina is a proud affiliate of the TEA Party movement, and currently the only African-American in the US Senate. There's also Jeniffer Burke, the social media director of People keep claiming that people such as herself, a black TEA Party conservative, do not exist, but she loudly and proudly supports conservative causes.

Here's Sean Young, a black video blogger who promotes the TEA Party movement. Here's Ted Hayes speaking at the Oceanside, CA TEA Party rally, and he does not want to be hyphenated. "Do not call me an African-American. I am an American, born in the USA!"
Now, a black TEA Party group in Los Angeles is demanding an apology from Rep. Alan Grayson for his offensive mailer. Did you also know that there is a TEA Party group in South LA? I just learned about it today!

So, Rep. Grayons's tactics are not just offensive, blatantly false, but they need to be repudiated! And so are any posts, newspaper columns, or any other media which purports to claim TEA Party = Racism.

This liberal-statist hate narrative will not work any longer. TEA Party race-baiting is an empty smear campaign, and conservatives, limited government activists, constitutional libertarians, and Americans all over who are tired of the government being "Too Damn Big" are rising up and fighting back.

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