Thursday, October 24, 2013

Marriage is Not a Shield for Bad Governance

Liberals have hidden behind social issues long enough.

What will they have  leftf when they face off against pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, or gay Republican candidates?

The social issues cannot hide the liberals' failure when it comes to creating a wholesome society.

Bad schools, unfunded pension liabilities, powerful public sector unions which exploit the public: how long will liberal interests run away from these problematic concerns?
While Rhode Island has been pronounced indebted and bankrupt, Speaker Gordon Fox and Governor Lincoln Chafee wanted to pursue passing gay marriage.


What's the point of getting married when you can't pay the bills? What's the point with dealing with a social issue when the fiscal house is in disorder?

Why do we intervene in other people's problems, oftentimes? Because we cannot handle our own issues.

We want to help other people, because we have so many problems of our own that we cannot fix.

If the political class in a state, or in a country, cannot or will not face the bigger issues, like pension problems or public sector unions run amok, then they will drum up another issue, like "marriage equality", to distract voters from their intractable incapacity to govern.

Rhode Island lawmakers had their gay marriage signing ceremony in May, 2013. It's now October, and the state's unprecedented pension reforms are facing legal and political challenges already.

What issue will the anti-Democratic hypermajority turn up next?

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