Thursday, October 3, 2013

Shame on You, George Miller

Unlike Peter Stark, the snarky Congressman from Alameda who routinely insulted constituents and despised the Constitution, George Miller survived the incumbent shellacking of 2012, which witnessed a number of compromised or corrupted Democratic incumbents swept from office.

Now, following the government shut-down instigated by a recalcitrant US Senate and an unwilling chief executive, Rep. Miller has exploded on the floor of the House of Representatives, claiming that House Republicans voted to shut down the government.

Miller slammed Republicans for trying to keep portions of the federal government funded. House rules require a two-thirds vote to pass piecemeal funding, and Democrats like George Miller have resisted these bills.

He then fired on Republicans with the following:

That millions of Americans went to find healthcare, to sign up for healthcare, to get access to healthcare.

The operating understanding of many Obamacare supporters rests on "expected" and "find", but many Americans are finding their health insurance premiums rise.

Premiums for young people are still rising:

Many young people still do not know that they need to get health insurance, or face a fine.

Before being ruled out of order, Miller tore into his conservative colleagues with this epithet:

So when you were on the jihad against America’s access to healthcare, shutting down the parks wasn’t a problem.

Miller's offensive use of the word "jihad" to describe the House Republicans' opposition to Obamacare is not just inarticulate or ignorant, but downright insolent and immoral.

The majority of Americans did not want a government shut-down, and they do not want Obamacare.

Despite Miller's shouting assertions that millions of Californians are now able to access health care through Covered California, media investigations have concluded that instead of five million visits to Covered CA, there were only a fraction of that number, plus the fact that the system crashed twice in California, as well as in other states throughout the country.

I even visited the site myself, and I had a hard time applying for health care.

As a member of a union, I receive letters informing me that my health insurance premiums are going to rise. How does the Affordable Care Act help me if health insurance is become less affordable?

In Connecticut, only a one hundred people visited the website, and the visits were marred with frustration and glitches.

Ten states, including California and Connecticut, have witnessed the decimation of their health insurance markets because of Obamacare.

House Republicans have been trying to protect the Americans people from this train wreck of a law, and liberals like George Miller have ignored the voice of the voters and forced this unpopular, dysfunctional, and destructive law on us.

House Republicans have continued to pass continuing resolutions to fund the government but defund, delay, or diminish unsightly elements hurting the economy. Miller has either forgotten or insolently neglected the continued efforts of Republicans in the House and Senate to fund the government.

If anyone is declaring a Holy War on Health Care and the American People, it's the progressive liberalism of Democrats Congressman George Miller, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. and President Barack Obama.

Shame on you, Rep,. Miller, for supporting Obamacare, for declaring war on good jobs, hard-working Americans, the health care industry, and the United States Constitution.


  1. Really dumb post. Found it through a friend who said it was dumb and she was right.

  2. What's dumber -- the post, or the fact that you read it, then?

    Strange logic.

    The real folly: using "jihad" to describe a principled measure to fund the government yet defund Obamacare.

    Care to offer an argument besides "dumb" comments?

    I am listening.

