Friday, October 18, 2013

Arnold for President? Terminate it!

Total Recall was an OK movie. In that flick, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a man who wakes up into an alternative reality, one which his prior self outlines for him what's going, who's trying to kill him, etc.

California had a total recall, a recall election of Democratic Governor Gray Davis in 2003.

Arnold Schwarzenegger won the recall election (I voted for Thousand Oaks state senator Tom McClintock, by the way)

Ten years later, local newspapers asked readers to recall how California fared offering the governor's mansion to Hollywood Actor.

Nothing but true lies came to the forefront.

True Lies was a movie. Arnold was a secret agent by night, and some kind of husband during the day.

California experienced nothing but true lies under Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Claiming to be a Republican, a moderate on social issues but a stickler on the finances, the state ended up more broke than ever under his tenure. He refused to work with Democrats, and Republicans in Sacramento did not trust him.

He said that he would put an end to the spending spree and bring back the glory days of "Kal-ee-for-nia".

The shimmer shivered all the more during his tenure.

He passed Cap-and-Trade, which is terminating businesses and agricultural interests in California. Electric bills are rising here, as well.

He whined "The state's credit card is broke!" during his last state of the state address. As if he had nothing to do with it.

His life as well as leadership in California was nothing but "True Lies".

The man had a child with his housekeeper, and kept the secret for years from his wife Maria Shriver. He also hid from her that he had had heart surgery.

There was nothing true nor noble about this guy.

Enough that the drunken Warren Beatty claimed "I made Arnold a Democrat!" as Beatty slurred his acceptance speech for his Lifetime Golden Globe Achievement Award.

Beatty didn't need to tell anyone in California. We already knew this.

Schwarzenegger was not up the challenge of "Pumping Iron" in the statehouse. He was all body-builder, not consesus-builder in Sacramento.

Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, for all his problems (more popular with Dems, weight issues) has gotten more done in one term than Ahh-nold ever did.

California's Populist unrest was one thing, restless for change, wanting to blame someone for the bubble that burst, the electric blackouts throughout the state, and the billions of dollars od debt. Still, wresting special interest strongholds on Sacramento politics and California governance required more than a "Conan the Barbarian" flex and thrust.

Arnold Schwartz-a-house-keeper was a "Kindergarten Cop" when it came to governance. He had no experience, nothing but personality and celebrity, and even those two are debatable to this day.

He was a seven year slow decline hiatus for the Golden State, just like his unusually bronzed tan.

He gave a rousing speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention. Great rhetoric, nicely tied in all the values which the GOP represents.

A stirring example in his homestate he was not, and never could be.

This man's self-regard has no restraint, regardless of all the damage he has done, much like a T-800 going back in time just to make things worse.

If any idea needs to be terminated, it should be amending the US Constitution so that a unnatural naturalized citizen like Ahh-nold can run for President.

Arnold for President? Terminate it!

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