Thursday, June 7, 2018

Other Takeaways from California Primary: Big Losses for RINO New Majority

The Election 2018 California primary was filled with victories for conservatives and residents of all backgrounds.

The recall succeeded, and the Democrats have lost their supermajority for good in the state senate as well as in the State Assembly.

None of the Democratic candidates for Congress had a huge victory. In fact, many of them barely made it into the Top two. In five of the top seven seats targeted by the DCCC, the Republican incumbent won a higher vote than all the other candidates combined, including in Orange County.

There's another set of victories, however, for California's conservatives which no one should overlook.

 The New Majority PAC, the liberal interest group headed by anti-conservative Andy Gharakani and Gary Aminoff (also known as SCAM-inoff), the same interest group which helped kill of the Los Angeles County GOP Central Committee, endured another set of losses on Primary Day, too.

Any Gharakani, aka Gimme-Kandy or Gimme-Gimme, returned to his usual tactics of backing RINOs and liberal candidates for office, in the vain hopes that the vapid Republican Party of Los Angeles County central committee will have relevance again under his failed leadership.

RPLAC RINOs with Cheating Chad Mayes

Let's not kid ourselves. Richard Sherman is not in charge of anything in Los Angeles County. He is an empty suit who does whatever Big Money Andy tells him to. He has also pressured members of different central committees within the county not to appoint different members since he wants to avoid controversy at all costs.

Let's look at the list of failures for the RINO New Majority Establishment, especially in Los Angeles County.

1. Steve Bailey advanced to the Attorney General race run-off against Xavier Becerra instead of Gimme-Gimme's pick Eric Early.

Special thanks to Steve Frank of Simi Valley for getting the word out on Early. I knew "early" on that I didn't want that guy as our nominee, since he was Andy Gharakani's hand-picked candidate. Then the news hit the delegate list that Early had donated big money to Democrats and liberal Republicans in other races.

That clinched the nomination and party endorsement for Steve Bailey, a retired lawyer and judge from Modoc County who earned 25% of the vote on primary day having raised a paltry $400,000. That's incredible!

2. Omar Navarro won the primary to challenge Maxine Waters for CD-43 in the general election.

From the very beginning, Andy Gimme-Gimme and Gary SCAM-inoff went to work to scuttle Omar Navarro's chances to challenge Maxine Waters a second time for Congress.

Gary "Omar Derangement Syndrome" Aminoff

I can't believe the level of Omar Derangement syndrome they suffer with. It's almost as bad as Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Aminoff went out of his way to dissuade Roger Stone from helping Omar Navarro, for example. He even sent a letter endorsing racist "Black Lives Don't Matter" wannabe Candace Camper for Congress instead.

Not only didn't Candace bother to run (she has no money, and she even got evicted from her apartment, according to one source), but Omar defeated two other Republican candidates for the bid as well as a Green Party candidate.

See you in November, Omar!

3. Rocky the RINO got knocked out early in his abotive bid for Congress.

This is a delicious victory for outraged California Conservatives who have dealt with liberal betrayal over and over again from the state and county parties.

Rocky the RINO voted for Cap and Trade, he supported Xavier Becerra's appointment as California Attorney General, and he voted to allow illegal aliens to get Medi-Cal!

Also, he's a beloved prop of New Majority CA--and he lost big time.

Bye-Bye Rocky the RINO!

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