Saturday, October 15, 2011

Comment: "Thousands rally in DC for easier access to jobs"

Reverend Al Sharpton is one of the most irreverent, irrelevant talking heads in the country.

His job, community organizer come sleazy preacher a la Rinehart of "Invisible Man" fame. Conniving off of every bleeding heart, hurt head, and self-pitying down and out in the nation.

Why has he rallied this motley crowd to the National Mall? To celebrate the legacy of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr., a legacy which properly belongs to every freedom fighter and freedom rider of the Civil Rights Era?

He is demanding that Congress pass Obama's Jobs Bill -- when in fact, Mr. Sharpton just wants more grab at the tree of celebrity.

And with him, he is rallying off-shoots of Occupy Wall Street, the growing mass of unemployed and underemployed, and every race-baiter from East to West, all under the penumbra of the bas relief of Martin Luther King.

This man claims to be the successor of Martin Luther King Jr., a preacher who rallied faithful nonviolent protest in the states. A broken man, unfaithful to his wife, who sympathized with Marxists, who confused the message of civil rights with anti-war protests and government intervention, whose questionable authority in writing his dissertation to the Letter in a Birmingham Jail. Despite his many flaws, King's participation is commendable, though not laudatory.

The utter shame of a race-baiting demagogue riding the coattails of a long-gone civil rights leaders is damnable if not detestable. No amount of holy-roller rhetoric can wipe away this false preacher's stain: enthoncentricism masquerading as civil righteousness.

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