Saturday, February 1, 2014

About RLn Take on Spying

Random Lengths News publisher James Preston Allen claims that no one knows we are reading his “news”paper. Perhaps the NSA have not found that many who are still reading the trotted-out, burned-out, no longer viable liberal rhetoric of class warfare and racism as the cause of all evils, or the rehashed arguments that hollow, feckless Progressivism is the answer.

Also fascinating, Allen remarks that federal spying began with the Palmer raids during World War I, which also led to the arrest and incarceration of self-described socialist Eugene V. Debs. Yet strangely enough, Allen neglects to mention the President who ordered those raids: Progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson, the same President who forced all African-American employees out of the federal government during his tenure. Allen also left out who pardoned the unjustly-incarcated Debs: free market Republican President Warren G. Harding, who entered office on a platform of “returning to normalcy”, complete with lower tax rates and drastic cuts in federal spending, because progressive policies are neither normal nor create progress. Harding and “Silent Cal” Coolidge’s policies restored what Wilson’s policies had ruined.

Allen also ought to acknowledge that President Barack Obama’s spying has overreached beyond anything propagated during the Bush Administration. The current President has collected the records on three hundred million Americans (aside from seizing records of phone calls from AP reporters). Does Obama believe that the vast majority of us are terrorists? He turned a blind eye to the IRS targeting conservative groups, and he had no knowledge of the causes or consequences of the terrorist attacks on Benghazi. Perhaps he should stop spying on all of us and start paying attention to correcting his own failing policies: ObamaCare, stimulus, unwarranted attacks on gun rights, etc.

I find it fascinating that Allen referenced President Richard Nixon in his latest editorial, too, connecting the collapse of democracy, the encroachment of the state, and the fall of the communist Salvadore Allende. If any President more resembles Richard Nixon for the litany of lies, distortions, cover-ups, and outright illegality, complete with a media Enemies List, one need look no further than President Barack Obama.

Why is it that every time a Progressive comes to power, more people end up spied on, arrested, attacked for their political views? Indeed, “Propaganda is always a threat to democracy”, especially the left-leaning kind which treats their kind as saints, and denigrates anyone who cogently disagrees with them.


  1. What's the matter, Art? Jealous about smart people writing smartly as opposed to the hacks you read and the dreck you "write"?

    1. Russ (Conway?) wrote:

      "What's the matter, Art? Jealous about smart people writing smartly as opposed to the hacks you read and the dreck you "write"? "

      My writing must be good, since liberals hate it so much. I appreciate your kind (unkind) words. Thanks!

      And Roger Williams would be a Republican, too! Repost the reproach!
