Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Passing the Piers Morgan Test: How to Fight for Natural Marriage

Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation
failed the Piers Morgan test miserably

Pro-family forces have had a bad record when it comes to making their case for the pro-marriage cause.

The biggest example of this occured with Piers Morgan when he confronted one of the spokesmen for the Heritage Foundation.

He asked a very basic question: "Why does the marriage of these two women (or two men) affect you? Why is that a problem for you?"

Many pro-family groups have utterly failed on this point. They have not rightfully or rigorously thought through all the issues, the ups and downs when it comes to defending natural marriage. For too long, pro-family forces in particular and conservatives in general have fallen back on one of three talking points to defend their views on natural marriage:

1. I just believe that marriage is for one man and one woman.

2. It's tradition, and we should not trifle with tradition.

3. I oppose same-sex marriage because of my faith

All of these answers do not work. Most people who fight for false marriage do not care about God, religion, or tradition. Worse yet, many so-called churches and other religious institutions are caving on LGBT issues, celebrating false marriages and fake adoptions. It is disturbing how many mainline Christian denominations have caved on the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.

No real answers have been offered to rebuff the nonsensical arguments pressing for the normalization of sexual perversion.

For the last year, I have been studying this issue extensively, working to set up proper research and understanding so that every pro-family activist can argue for natural marriage, natural parenting, and the proper rearing of children.

And that's the first point: it's about the children.

Children need their parents, but more specifically they need their biological mother and father. Sex is not a purely private matter, and neither is marriage. The whole institution of marriage in large part is about the kids! Too many pro-family activists, including the speakers who have debated this issue with Piers Morgan and other liberal propagandist pundits, have ignored or neglected the damage caused by depriving children of their natural parents.

So, next time a liberal loony presses you on false marriage, fire back with the following: "So, you want to deprive children of their parents. If marriage can be anything and anyone, then parents become optional. You want to deprive children of their mother and their father. That is wrong."

But then go one step further.

For too long, the pro-family movement has been to reticent, shy, even cowardly about pointing out some harsh truths about the origins of homosexual conduct. Yet the behaviors are inherently harmful, destructive, and degrading. Furthermore, pro-family activists by and large refuse to discuss the causes of these behaviors. Why do individuals start developing an attraction to the same sex?

In every instance, one will find one or more of the following causes:

1. Abuse

2. Neglect

3. Confusion

4. Molestation

The fact is that homosexuals and transgenders are victims. They have been terribly harmed, filled with lies and deceit from a world that virtue-signals off their plight.

It is essential to call out anyone who claims to be an LGBT ally that they are in fact pro-abuse, neglect, confusion, and molestation, too.

It's about more than religious sentiment. It's about the creation of families, and it's about mental health. Most importantly, it's essential that we point out the truth:

1. People are not born that way.

2. The behaviors are not normal or ideal.

3. Children do not learn at a young age that they are LGBT.


  1. do you not believe in adoption at all? is removing children from abusive parents and placing them with adoptive parents not something you believe in? kids MUST be forced to stay with their "natural parents" at any cost? what if natural parents are not married and have never been married? what bout married couples who choose to not have kids? marriage isn't just about children.

    1. As much as possible, kids need their biological parents, their mom and dad. Kids should not be reared by two people of the same sex. Thanks for asking.

    2. so you are saying a child is better off with their biological parents even if they are abusive or on drugs or neglectful than being fostered or adopted by a happy gay couple who could give this kid stability and care that they need?

    3. "As much as possible" does not mean that children should stay with abusive parents. We need to think about what is best for the child. There really is no such thing as a happy "gay couple." Homosexuality is an inherently disordered set of behaviors borne out of trauma. The high rate of children abused by same-sex couples is truly staggering. Fostering a child is better than placing them in an abusive environment. That false dichotomy you present is not going to dissuade from asserting the truth:

      Children need a dad and mom.
