Wednesday, April 24, 2013

BSA -- A Different Form of Cowardly

The leaders of the Boy Scouts of America have offered a compromise on gay rights. They will allow gay youth to join openly, yet will not accept openly gay scout leaders. The Daily Breeze editorial board then labeled their decision “cowardly”. Indeed, the decision is cowardly, but not because the endorsements are not “open” enough, but because the BSA, like a growing number of organizations, are caving to the “gay lobby”.


Gay activists have been promoting homosexuality, causes and consequences, as a civil rights issue, while dismissing critics as “intolerant religious fanatics”. Both arguments are insufferable and insulting. Being born into a race or ethnicity is nothing to be ashamed of, nor something which anyone of us had anything to do with. Homosexuality is a choice, and a bad one. The disease, dysfunction, and death associated with homosexuality should discourage such conduct, and no one should resist exposing these realities.

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