Monday, March 3, 2025

Michigan MassResistance: State Rep. Gives Impassioned Speech to File Resolution Against Obergefell


Michigan State Rep’s hard-hitting press conference supporting MassResistance “gay marriage” resolution upends state’s political landscape.

Governor, Attorney General, Democrat Party, national & local media, and LGBT activists become unhinged. Cowardly RINO legislators jump ship.

State Rep gets permanently banned from Instagram!

But pro-family conservatives across Michigan are rallying hard in support.

March 2, 2025
ALT TEXT Rep. Josh Schriver isn't afraid to simply tell the truth. He puts a lot of cowardly conservatives to shame.

A hard-hitting five-minute press conference by Michigan State Rep. Josh Schriver explaining his reasons for filing the MassResistance resolution against the US Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling has caused a political meltdown in the state – and beyond.

It was a bold statement about what actual marriage is – and that Supreme Court justices may not impose same-sex “marriage” on the entire country.

But it caused a firestorm of unhinged anger from the Governor, Attorney General, the Democrat Party, bizarre LGBT activists, the media, and even Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta. It even caused RINO legislators to cower in fear.

Resolution HR28 was filed by Rep. Schriver with twelve co-sponsors. It calls on SCOTUS to revisit the Obergefell case. The 5-4 ruling was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds, and only passed because two of the justices who had previously officiated at “gay weddings” illegally refused to recuse themselves.

Other states. MassResistance has been successfully working with state legislators across the country to file these resolutions - which are not legally binding, but send a strong message. Similar resolutions have already passed the state House of Representatives in both Idaho and North Dakota. There will be public hearings in additional states in the near future.

The idea that courts should be free to force the LGBT agenda on people (and punish them if they don’t comply) has become a cornerstone of the Left’s activism. But now lawmakers like Rep. Schriver and others are fighting back!

A home run press conference …

Rep. Schriver's press conference, held in a press room of the State Capitol, was definitely not a typical press conference. He walked up to the podium and announced that he wouldn’t be taking any questions after his talk, then gave a strong five-minute oration on the marriage issue. Most GOP politicians these days tiptoe around that subject, but he charged right into it.

He talked about his religious belief, how the Obergefell ruling damaged families and society, its violations of the state and federal constitutions, how individual people and businesses who disagree have been targeted, and its violation of natural law. The text of his remarks is here.

VIDEO: Rep. Schriver's press conference statement (5 min 26 sec)

Rep. Schriver also posted an extended explanation of the resolution on his Substack account.

… And the irrational angry responses

The Left doesn’t have a cogent argument to counter the facts, or the idea that activist judges shouldn’t impose their will on the country. So they gaslight everyone with over-the-top anger and preposterous claims that the resolution directly causes gays to be attacked, subjugated, personally demeaned, and denied civil rights. It’s quite a spectacle, and is clearly a device meant to frighten and confuse people.

A "gay" state senator replied to Rep. Schriver's remarks. Immediately after Rep. Schriver abruptly left his press conference, State Senator Jeremy Moss, who is openly “gay,” walked up to the podium and began speaking. He gave a brief rant to the press there about how gay marriages “contribute to family security and economic security” in Michigan and (of course) that this is “a hateful and harmful tactic against the LGBT community.”

ALT TEXT Out "gay" Sen. Jeremy Moss attempts a rebuttal to Rep. Schriver's hard-hitting comments.

The Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, posted this on X. She also included a video of herself saying that this is a “hateful attack” on gays and suggested that the resolution will lead to gays being fired from their jobs or evicted from their homes.


The Attorney General, Dana Nessel (an open lesbian), posted this tasteless photo of herself above an image of Rep. Schriver’s press conference announcement.

ALT TEXT Not exactly a professional response.

The Michigan Democrat Party couldn’t contain itself. It organized its own press conference to bash Rep. Schriver and the resolution. It’s too absurd to describe.

ALT TEXT Rep. Schriver really got the Democrats going!

Instagram permanently shut down Rep. Schriver’s account when he discussed the resolution and the points made in the press conference.

ALT TEXT Clearly, Zuckerberg wasn't serious about his recent "free speech" pledge. Rep Schriver holds a pretty mainstream viewpoint.

Across X and Reddit, LGBT activists fumed against Rep. Schriver and the resolution. But interestingly, a lot of conservatives fumed right back at them!

The media goes nuts

The mainstream/leftist media had their usual hair-on-fire reaction to Rep. Schriver’s resolution and press conference. And the resolution hasn’t even had a committee hearing yet!

National media:

CBS News: Michigan Rep. Josh Schriver to introduce resolution calling on U.S. Supreme Court to overturn same-sex marriage

NBC NEWS: Lawmakers in 9 states propose measures to undermine same-sex marriage rights
A Michigan Republican introduced a resolution Tuesday urging the Supreme Court to reverse its 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges same-sex marriage ruling.

The Hill: Whitmer on Republican lawmaker’s same-sex marriage resolution: ‘Hell no’

Michigan media:

Michigan’s so-called “Republicans” are embarrassing

The Republicans control the House of Representatives in the Michigan Legislature. But sometimes it’s hard to tell how many of them are for real.

The Michigan Log Cabin Republicans proved again that their real reason for existence is to subvert the GOP with the LGBT agenda. They posted an attack on Rep. Schriver and the resolution, with their usual off-the-subject talking points:

Any attempt to undermine the rights of loving, committed same-sex couples goes against the principles of limited government and personal freedom that our party stands for. The institution of marriage strengthens families and communities, regardless of sexual orientation. We urge the state Legislature to prioritize unity and freedom, rather than divisive and regressive measures.

In other words, say the Log Cabin Republicans, states shouldn’t be allowed to decide for themselves. Judges should take over. It doesn’t sound like “limited government” and “freedom” to us.

Then came the Republican capitulations. Soon after the press conference firestorm hit, six of the twelve “Republican” co-sponsors chickened out and took their names off. Par for the course among the cowardly GOP that fears being called names by dysfunctional leftists.

Actual conservatives across the state rally in support!

Leftists aren’t the only ones in this fight. Republican legislators who cave in can expect to hear from a tidal wave of actual conservatives across the state. This has gotten them fired up!

One group with over 50,000 members in Michigan, is already working with us to let Republican legislators know in no uncertain terms that this is a fight they need to get behind. The GOP will need to choose between their motivated base of support or the LGBT agenda.

As an example, Michigan’s 9th Congressional District Republican Committee issued a “Statement of Support for Representative Josh Schriver.” It concluded with:

It is our responsibility to reaffirm our convictions and empower our elected officials to courageously fulfill the duty we have entrusted to them – to represent us, our values, and the principles of our U.S. Constitution.

The grassroots Republicans are not going to let their legislators sell out!

Final thoughts

Our MassResistance resolution has caused quite an uproar. Tackling this issue was long overdue!

We’ve been told that staffers in Michigan’s Republican House leadership offices like this resolution and will push for it. So a formal committee hearing – and more – could be around the corner. It will be an interesting battle – and a nightmare for cowardly RINOs.

More to follow!

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