Monday, July 29, 2024
Idaho MassResistance Helps Library Board and Community Clean Up Liberal, Pro-LGBT Elements
Bold conservative majority on local Idaho Library Board forces leftist staff resignations.
Latest to resign: Pro-LGBT Library Director and Library Board member.
Leftists and local media angry – but Board stands tall.

Radical bureaucrats and officials are known for their persistence and unwillingness to surrender – especially when it comes to keeping obscene material in schools and libraries. And too often, conservatives simply give up when faced with them.
But in Kootenai County, Idaho, a group of citizens – with help from MassResistance – refused to accept the status quo. Here’s an update to the battle going on there.
Electing a new conservative Library Board
The Community Library Network in Kootenai County is one of Idaho’s largest public library districts. Two years ago, its Library Board had a 4-1 majority of arrogant pro-LGBT leftists who supported including obscene materials in the children’s section. The Board Chairman was particularly hostile and condescending toward parents who complained.
But in the May 2023 county election, following a months-long education campaign across the county by local activists, two leftist Library Board incumbents were voted out! They were replaced by people who had campaigned on removing the explicit materials.
Conservatives achieved a 3-2 majority! The lone conservative from the previous Board was made Chairman. And the previous Chairman was now one of the two remaining leftists (and so relatively impotent).

The new conservative Board was faced with obstacles. A month before the election, the previous Board – sensing an upset – hired a new far-left pro-LGBT Library Director and gave her a sweetheart contract including a large payout if the new Board fired her. And there already was a leftist library staff. So the new Board’s work was cut out for them!
Great changes take place!
Pro-LGBT library boards get lots of information, strategy, and legal advice from a variety of national leftist organizations. In this case, MassResistance helped correct that by connecting the Library Board with pro-family legal groups, library board members in other states, and people with practical advice and information.
Within months, the new Library Board got right to work:
- The Board followed the lead of other libraries across the country and cut ties with the horrible pro-LGBT American Library Association.
- They began drafting a very strong collections policy – modeled after the one we helped implement in Campbell County, WY – that would keep out harmful sexual material for children and teenagers. It would also make it easier for the public to successfully challenge existing material.(This is all in accordance with the new Idaho law H710, which Idaho MassResistance activists helped push earlier this year in the Idaho Legislature.)
- They also started working on a policy which allowed them to evaluate, document, and discipline the Library Director if she defied the Board or did not comply with the policies.
The Left’s hysterical reaction to pro-family changes
Not surprisingly, these moves faced considerable pushback from area leftists. The local newspaper has repeatedly attacked the new Library Board majority as “far right” and even published a nasty cartoon of the Chairman. Both of the former leftist Board members who lost the 2023 election continued attending Board meetings along with other local leftists to condemn the current Board and even disrupt meetings. One threatened litigation against them.
But the Board members stood tall and refused to be intimidated.
First wave of resignations
The pressure began to affect the radicals running the library. In February 2024, two branch library managers and the library system’s communication specialist resigned. We believe that several others also quit, but that their departures were kept quiet.
Board revealed that the new strong policies were close to being passed
At the beginning of June 2024, it was revealed that the Board was set to pass the new policy on collections and book challenges. They formally voted on June 17. It is one of the strongest in the country.
The Board also announced that they were close to passing the policy for disciplining the Library Director – which is also one of the strongest of its kind in America.
Big resignations – and a good new hire!
The latest news showed that the Board was not stopping and not backing down. The radicals got the message – and clearly were shocked and angry.
- On June 7, the Library Director announced her resignation. Because she resigned and was not fired, she does not receive the huge severance package that the previous Board purposely put into her contract.
- On June 18, one of the two remaining hard-leftists on the Library Board resigned. She was the former Chairman, and had been on the Board for 30 years. She told the local newspaper that she "cannot watch the destruction of this library system, and that’s what feels like is happening … As part of the minority, I was being silenced continually.” In other words, she was getting a taste of her own medicine and couldn’t deal with it!
- Several days later, the Library Board appointed a pro-family replacement to serve out the resigning Board member’s term. There is now a 4-1 conservative majority! The new member said, “I believe what I can bring to the table is my love for the library and protection for the children.”
- On July 3, a new Library Director was hired by the Library Board. The new Library Director is moving to Idaho from New Hampshire to take the job. This person does not appear to have any offensive “baggage,” and people are looking forward to his arrival.
This Library Board is getting the job done!
Final thoughts
As we see, radical leftists believe so strongly in pushing destructive perversions on children that they will leave their jobs rather than simply conform to reasonable standards. Thus, it’s necessary to fearlessly stand up to them – and not wilt from the pressure and intimidation from leftists and attacks in the biased press. The Library Board members in Kootenai County are an inspiration for the rest of America!
Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!
Our successes depend on people like you.
Your support will make the difference!
Saturday, July 27, 2024
It's Official: Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles Fails, Gives Up on Torrance
Her head is in the right place. LIVES MATTER should be the watchword from now on. |
Big win for The Balanced City!
I have been receiving their emails for the last five years, just to know what this marxist hate group has been up to and all the evil they plot throughout Los Angeles County.
Their organizing efforts are pretty remarkable. Constitutionalists and general American patriot activists would learn so much on how to fight back against these left-wing bigots, if they learned to use their tactics against them.
For years, I would receive these emails, noting how they were urging people to show up to Torrance City Council meetings to scream and yell about the "murder" of Christopher DeAndre Mitchell, aka Cowboy, aka a black man who stole another black man's car, and had a rifle at his feet, and did not cooperate with the police.
The previous week, BLM-LA had sent out their to-do list, like below, and it did not mention the city of Torrance! I thought this omission was a fluke or a mistake, so I waited another week.
And here we are!
Black Lives Matter has been defeated!
They have given up. Not only have they failed to defund the Torrance Police Department (as if that would ever happen), but they failed to get a police oversight commission opened.
In fact, the city of Torrance just increased the initial pay for all lateral-entry police officers in the city of Torrance to $100,000!
Big fail for Black Lives Matter!
I also noticed at the last few city council meetingss, that the obnoxious activists like Sheila Bates were no longer showing up, or they were greatly outnumbered. It was quite pathetic! Only one of two of them would show up, and when Bates would launch into her racist, anti-law enforcement rant, she didn't stay at the podium and wear out the city council, or force the city council into closed session.
Wow! The significance of the passage of time!
Here's the whole eblast sent out by Black Lives Matter-LA this week. See for yourself! No more mention of the city of Torrance!
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LA County Democratic Party (Has To) Line Up for Kamala
I wonder if the president for the Democratic Party will be unburdened by the past.
Kamala Harris was so bad, so unlikeable, so unwatchable, that she was polling 1% in Iowa.
Nobody wanted her. She dropped out before the first primary in 2020!
And now, she's the Democratic Party's nominee.
And, she has a long history of screwing over LA Democrat politicians. When Congresswoman Maxine Waters was trying to stop th sale of the Keiro Japanese-American retirement homes in Gardena, then-California AG Kamala Harris didn't care, and she just rebuffed Waters without blinking.
She didn't care. Maxine Waters, for all her political clout, couldn't get anything done because Harris wouldn't budge.
Have you noticed that most local LA-area politicians are not lining up and throwing their support openly behind Kackles Kamala? They don't like her.
But the Democratic Party has never been democratic, so everyone has to line up look good-little, goose-stepping nazis and stand behind their new queen.
Check out how little the LA County Democratic Party reported on Kamala this week:
Hi Arthur,
We are all in for Kamala Harris.
The last few days we have seen Democrats across our nation activated and fired up to elect Vice President Kamala Harris!
Listen, Arthur, President Joe Biden said it best: Vice President Harris is ready to lead our country as President of the United States of America. Not only is she qualified, competent, and ready to serve, Vice-President Harris will also become the FIRST African-American, South Asian WOMAN to be President of the United States.
Democrats, it's time to make HISTORY!
VP Harris' record speaks for itself. Under the Biden-Harris administration, we have seen record job growth, historic student debt relief for middle-class Americans, and aggressive climate and environmental protection. Vice President Harris has proven she will stand up for women's reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ Americans.
Project 2025, Donald Trump, and JD Vance are dangerous for America. We need a candidate like Kamala Harris who can fight against MAGA extremism and protect our country against fascism.
Not only do we need Kamala Harris in the White House, but she needs a democratic majority in Congress so that she can fight for the middle class! The path to VICTORY RUNS THROUGH LA COUNTY!
Folks, the road ahead is not easy. That is why we are asking for your help:
Will you give $10 to help Democrats restore our nation in 2024?
When Democrats work together, we win together. It's time to give it our all, together.
In Solidarity,
Mark Ramos, Chair
Patt Sanders, Vice-Chair
Jacob Haik, Vice-Chair
Susan Sheu, Recording Secretary
Shanna Ingalsbee, Corresponding Secretary
Ben Seinfeld, Controller
Garry Shay, Parliamentarian
Jamie Kennerk, Treasurer
Mark Gonzalez, Chair Emeritus
One would think that they could have written so much more about this lady. After all, she is their presidential nominee!
The reports in background suggest that she is going to lose, and the Democratic Party throughout the United States is scrambling to ensure that they do not lose the US Senate and they can get back the House.
It's going to be an interesting election year, that's for sure.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
LA County Democratic Party Gaslights Praise for Joe Biden
The LA County Democratic Party proves how undemocratic the whole system has become.
They are lining up behind a candidate who did not win one primary vote, neither in 2020 nor in 2024.
Yet behind the scenes, there was nothing but gnashing machinations to get rid of Biden and replace him with someone slightly more competent, not suffering from dementia and Parkinson's Disease all wrapped together.
Once Biden fell on his own sword, the Democratic Party rolled out all their favorable press releases praising him for putting the country ahead of himself.
He was forced to quit. Let's not fool ourselves here.
Hi Arthur,
I'm sure you've heard the news: President Biden dropped out of the presidential race yesterday.
Joe Biden made an incredibly difficult and patriotic decision, but it is one that Donald Trump would never be able to make: President Biden put his country before himself.
Joe Biden's legacy will be one of historic job growth, dedication to his country, and championing rights for all Americans. I want to take a minute to thank him for his decades of public service to our country.
Listen, Arthur, I'm not going to sugar coat it; we have tremendous amounts of work to do. It is more important than ever that Democrats stand united and come together to defeat hatred, division, MAGA extremism, and the horrifying Project 2025.
We are 105 days out from Election Day, and it is imperative that we elect Kamala Harris and defeat Donald Trump and JD Vance.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Monday, July 15, 2024
MassResistance Exposes Child Abuse Policies of Mass. LGBT Youth Commission
On the horizon: Prominent state-funded “Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission” calls for legalizing teenage prostitution, lowering the age of sexual consent, and more in its new report.
This Commission has a long record of pioneering changes in law and policy - that spread nationwide.
These are the battles that are coming up.

July 15, 2024
The LGBT movement’s depraved obsession with children and vulnerable teenagers does not have an end point. The new issues that will come up in the legislatures and schools across the country are more obscene than ever.
If you want to know what’s on the horizon nationwide, the state-funded Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth is the place to watch.
The Commission was established in 1992 as the “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” by then-Governor Bill Weld (a RINO). Weld and his Dept. of Education collaborated closely with Kevin Jennings (the founder of GLSEN) and other radical “gay” and transgender activists. Through its annual “reports” outlining the “needs” of the LGBT “youth community” (now defined to include adults up to age 25) the Commission has considerable influence in the Legislature and other state agencies.
A long history of instigating horrible new legislation & policies across the country
The Commission has been the starting point for horrible LGBT legislation and policies that eventually make their way across the country. In the early 1990s, this Commission was pivotal in forcing gay clubs (GSAs) into the schools, introducing student “safety” as a ruse to pass pro-LGBT laws and mandated school policies.
First, the Legislature passed a “gay and lesbian students’ rights” law, then so-called anti-bullying laws (which are meant to punish any criticism of LGBT behavior). Then came LGBT “surveys” in schools, and then transgender “protections” for students. Virtually all of this has since been replicated across the country.

And the Commission has continued its long march. For example, in 2021, it complained of an “emergency” and implored the state Legislature to force foster parents to fully support the LGBT agenda or be disqualified. (They began his push in 2013!) This is now happening in Massachusetts and has since spread across the country.
In 2023, the Commission’s annual report demanded that parents who don’t support their child’s LGBT self-identification be criminalized as child abusers – and their children could possibly be taken away. This hasn’t completely passed into law yet in Massachusetts, but the idea is alive and spreading across the country.

This year’s report: an even bigger nightmare for the future
In this year’s 330-page report the Commission is pushing for an even more nightmarish LGBT assault on children and society. Like most LGBT “demand” pieces, much of it is rambling, hysterical, and at times incoherent. It was released as “Pride Month” began.
Here are some of the Commission’s legislative goals:
- Decriminalize prostitution for teenagers and adults 18 and older. One reason they give is that transgender youth need “to engage in sex work for funds to purchase items such as wigs, binders, packers, and makeup.”
- Lower the age of consent for sex so that all teenagers can freely have sexual relations, effectively lowering it to 13. This also would allow all teenagers to send pornographic photos of themselves to others. Lowering the age of consent for sex has been a desire of the LGBT movement for decades – but now it is becoming an official demand.
- Mandate that all schools have comprehensive LGBT-based sexual education – thoroughly normalizing and teaching about LGBT sexual behaviors. This includes coaching children that they can “consent” for sex rather than say no, and teaching how to use various sexual devices.
- Change the state’s family and adoption laws, re-defining the concept of parenthood to include LGBT desires, and allowing women to sell children they carry to LGBT couples – in the name of “parentage equality.” This is now happening: Bill H4672 in the Massachusetts legislature and was passed by the House unanimously, 156-0 last month (during Pride Month) and is awaiting Senate passage. It is considered the most radical bill of its kind in the country.
- Provide state-funded housing and living expenses for “LGBT” children who decide to leave (or are coached to leave) their parents’ homes. Also provide those children with special state ID cards.
- Provide children with pro-LGBT “mental health care” without their parents’ knowledge or consent. This is extremely dangerous.
- Update the state plumbing code to require gender-neutral bathrooms in schools and other buildings.
- Update a range of state forms to include questions about sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
- Take aggressive legislative action to stop the so-called “attacks on LGBTQ freedoms” across the state and around the country. These “attacks” include: Drag Queen Story Hour protests, “banning” pornographic books for children, protesting at school board meetings, curriculum disputes, and LGBT flag complaints. Thus, providing pornography to other people’s children is considered an “LGBTQ freedom.”

A long fight that must continue
The LGBT official demands in this report are all frightening concepts that just a few years ago would have been unthinkable.
In fact, we go back a long way opposing them. In 2006 we actually convinced then-Governor Mitt Romney to disband the (then called) Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth! Unfortunately, that only lasted for about a day. The LGBT movement descended on him with fury, and Romney caved in and brought it back. (Note that Brian Camenker of MassResistance is quoted in the Boston Globe article about it.) The LGBT lobby then persuaded the Legislature to remove it from the Governor’s direct control and make it a state agency with powers to “collaborate” with all other state agencies.
But all this madness can be stopped! MassResistance is dedicated to helping people across the country fight back.
Final thoughts
We keep butting heads with “pro-family” parents (and organizations) who boldly speak out against “gender” indoctrination in the schools and “transgender” counseling of children – but refuse to criticize the larger, allied LGBT movement.
This refusal to understand the long-standing alliance between “gay” activists and the trans movement has become a liability in this battle. Not confronting gay activism early on has allowed the transgender nightmares we are now enduring.
As the new Commission report shows, the situation will only get unimaginably worse unless we forthrightly oppose these people and agencies.
Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!
Our successes depend on people like you.
Your support will make the difference!