Monday, October 31, 2022

Alex Stein: Annoying Grifter who Frustrates the Pro-Family Movement

Alex Stein, Grifter Comedian

I was not really impressed with Alex Stein when he first came on the scene.

Sure, he gave these great talks in front of city councils, making fun of them in all sorts of ways. He would act like an outrageous, outspoken SJW. He would put on cringe-worthy rap sessions.

He followe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez around and made jokes about her big butt. OK, it's all funny, whatever.

But with no due respect, what does all this trolling really accomplish? AOC got to play victim and raise lots of money from the attacks on her looks. The people who protested her at her town halls two weeks ago were more effective, since they actually called her out on policy. People on the Left seem to understand that it's not about promoting yourself, but your cause which is how you make the difference. We need to hold elected officials accountable to do what they said they would do.

I am not interested in making a buck. I am interested in making a difference.

But Alex Stein ... he wants to make a buck, wants to make a name for himself ... and now his self-serving antics have threatened a real political effort in the state of Texas.

Texas MassResistance activists are working with other pro-family groups to get rid of Judge Mary Brown, the despicable left-wing activist who is allowing Ann Georgulas to mutilate her son James Younger. Jeff Younger has been waging as effective a campaign as he can to protect his SONS and stop the abuse of his children by the family court judicial supremacy state.

One direct way to get things done it to give Judge Mary Brown the boot. An excellent attorney, Earl Jackson, has qualified for the write-in ballot, and MassResistance activists like Kevin Whitt are spreading the word for everyone in Dallas County to write in Earl Jackson for Dallas County Judge Family Court District #301.

Click on the link to help Earl Jackson.

This is a real grassroots effort which will have really good consequences for the pro-family. Imagine putting in place a judge which will uphold the law, protect children, and stop the normalization of transgenderism? Imagine a judge reviewing the current Younger v. Georgulas case, and throwing out the rulings which require Jeff Younger to subsidize the systematic destruction of his son by the crazed ex-wife?

This is what the pro-family movement needs to be all about. We need political and cultural victories, not likes, views, and shares.

But instead of assisting with this effort, Alex Stein wants to promote himself and has thrown himself into this judicial contest:

This is a stupid move. There is a qualified candidate who is a shoo-in as a write-in. Why is Alex doing this?

Kevin Whitt tried to correct Alex about this and asked him to back down:

Kevin is right.

In order to be a write-in candidate for a judicial office, you have to apply to be a write-in candidate. You also have to be a lawyer. Not just anyone can run for a judicial seat. Alex Stein is clearly unqualified.

And how did Alex Stein respond when Kevin told him to support Earl Jackson:

First, he blocked Kevin on Twitter:

Then he shamed him in a direct message:

Alex called Kevin "gay" and told him to stay in his "closet":

"Bye Felicia have fun in the closet the rest of your life sadly you can't just accept who you are"


This is Alex Stein. He mockes pro-family conservatives. He frustrates pro-family efforts to get rid of a really bad judge and replace her with a good statesman. Instead of thinking about the larger goal of winning the political and cultural fight, he gets angry because someone tells him to back of an election proposal which is not possible.

This is really shameful. This is grift on a whole new level. It's one thing to be a comedian. It's one thing to be funny. But it is not funny to frustrate a true grassroots effort to get rid of bad politicians who hate kids and destroy families.
Alex Stein was not that big of a deal in the first place, and now he's a Controlled Opposition Grifter helping the anti-family, LGBT Left. It's just so shameful.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

More Winning! Idaho MassResistance Chases Off Library Director in Coeur D'Alene Area


Idaho Library Director resigns after relentless pressure from local MassResistance citizens over graphic children’s books.

Local mother at recent Library Board meeting told them: “You’re perverts!”

Big pro-family victory!

October 30, 2022
ALT TEXT The notice on the library website the day after the Library Director's sudden resignation.

After over a year of pressure and outrage by local MassResistance parents and citizens about pornographic sexual and LGBT books for children and teenagers, the library director in Coeur d’Alene, ID has suddenly announced her resignation.

On October 18, Community Library Network’s Library Director, Amy Rodda, notified the Library Board and also her staff that she was resigning, effective Nov. 21. In a press release the following day, she cited a vague reason, that “unforeseen family circumstances that are leading her back to Colorado.” Her position pays $108,150 per year. She did not mention whether she had another job to go to.

(Back in January, a Wyoming County Commissioner gave a similar vague reason for resigning after MassResistance pressure. Whatever the reason is, good riddance. This is great news for the community that this twisted Library Director is leaving.)

The particularly arrogant and condescending Library Director

For over a year a core group of local MassResistance citizens have attended every Library Board meeting and voiced their outrage at the library’s growing collection of explicit and obscene sexual, homosexual, and transgender books in the children’s and teenagers’ sections of the library. They would regularly read excerpts from these books out loud during the public testimony portion of the meetings.

The Library Director’s reaction to this was an unusual exhibition of arrogance and condescension.  She established her own “Rebuttal” period at the beginning of every Library Board meeting where she derided and dismissed the citizen’s comments from the previous meeting.

For example, at one meeting she said that even though the parents may find part of a book for teenagers “shocking or provocative,” that passage needs to be taken “in the context of the entire book.” That absurd idea is a talking point frequently used by pornographers and LGBT activists. In this case, the book was about 15-year-olds who became prostitutes after their fathers had sexually molested them. She did not mention what was “positive” in this book.

ALT TEXT The Library Director giving her "rebuttal" to parents' complaints.

The Library Director was adamant in her support for the LGBT movement. This year the library participated in a toxic “North Idaho Pride Alliance” event. Parents who opposed the sexualization of children were described as “white supremacists, hypocrites, haters, and book-burners.”

There were also attempts to intimidate and harass the MassResistance citizens by organizing groups of pro-LGBT activists to testify at Library Board meetings. They’d aggressively insist those books are “really needed,” and angrily call the pro-family people there “bigots and haters.”

Three of the five Library Board members, including the Chairman, support the obscene children’s books and impede any internal criticism of them. The other two members are shocked at the books (though only one is really outspoken) but they are routinely overruled and silenced by the others. So it’s been up to the community to speak out forcefully!

The turning point likely came in July

The July 18 Library Board meeting, (which we reported on here) was likely the turning point in the Library Director’s feelings about continuing in this community. It was a meeting that no one who was there will easily forget.

As one of the local MassResistance citizens was finishing reading aloud a particularly disgusting pornographic section of a library book for teenagers, a mother from the group stood up, walked over to the Board and the Library Director, and yelled at them:

Yes, this is pornography. Will you just get over yourselves and get rid of these books? You people are disgusting! Disgusting! How dare you have books like that in the library! You need to quit. Because you people are a den of perverts!

You’re so “civilized” that you allow things like this for 12-year-olds to read! You are really beyond belief. If we didn’t have that special clause in the law,* you would all be going to jail for providing this stuff to children.

I’m sick of you. This is disgusting. This little town is full of innocence and you’re ruining it with your smut. You’re just disgusting.

(* She referred to the special exemption for schools and libraries from the ban on presenting obscene materials to minors. Unfortunately, many states have these exemptions. They all need to be repealed!)

ALT TEXT The mother (standing at left) yells at the Library Director (seated at right).

You can view the video on our post of that meeting. Since then the outrage in the community has only increased – and the local LGBT activists seem to realize that.

It’s a great victory for the pro-family movement against the horrible push to sexualize innocent children. The next job in Coeur d’Alene is to make sure that the new Library Director fully understands this!


Final thoughts

This is what must happen in libraries and schools across the country. We have always said that the problem is not the bad books. The problem is the bad people. The books don’t come in by themselves. So going through the cumbersome and bureaucratic process of “challenging” all these pornographic books is not as productive as demanding that the people who put them there be fired or resign.

This is the second head librarian that has resigned after MassResistance pressure. And we are working on several others!

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Recall Gascon Update: We're Going to Court!


Arthur,We’ll see the LA County Registrar in court.On Tuesday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James Chalfant granted our request for an expedited hearing on issuing a preliminary injunction against the Registrar.An injunction would compel the Registrar to fully cooperate with our team that’s reviewing every one of the 195,783 signatures the Registrar deemed invalid.Already, and with the Registrar placing absurd restrictions on our review process, we’ve identified clear, obvious, and legitimate challenges for about 39% of the invalidated signatures that we’ve reviewed so far.Our fight against George Gascon is not over, far from it.
While our fight moves to the courtroom, Angelenos are fighting for their safety every day.This week, Marissa Young came forward with her chilling story. On July 31, she was brutally beaten and raped at night in a Torrance park, by Darrell Dean Waters, a homeless man who was arrested the prior night for possession of a dagger, but released after just a few hours.“If he had been kept in jail, what happened to me wouldn’t have happened,” said Young. “I could have been murdered.”Last week, a homeless man in North Hollywood stabbed 24-year-old Kyli Watts in the back of her head with a pair of gardening shears. Watts had moved to LA only two weeks earlier. She immediately went into surgery and faces a difficult recovery.And did you see the deeply disturbing video of a 27-year-old criminal abducting a 14-year-old girl? He proceeded to force her into a bathroom and rape her.These stories are a regular occurrence under George Gascon. That’s why we’re fighting so hard to get rid of him, and why we won’t rest until every valid signature is counted.
PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO SUPPORT THE RECALL OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY GEORGE GASCONCommittee Major Funding from:Geoff PalmerGerald J. MarcilIoaban LLC and affiliated entities 
Copyright © 2022 , All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:500 W. Colorado, C - 455Glendale, CA 91204Committee ID: 1440808 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Democrat Values are Not Biblical Values


Weekly Newsletter | October 28, 2022


Proposition 1 Goes Too Far And Risks Unintended Consequences

(Orange County Register) Proposition 1 on the November ballot will legalize abortion in California at any stage of any pregnancy, right up to birth, for any reason, and in just a moment, I will prove it to you.

First I’d like you to know that the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade had absolutely no effect on California law. Nothing is changed here.

The completely unnecessary Proposition 1 says this: “The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.” That’s different than current state law, Health and Safety Code Section 123462(c), which reads, “The state shall not deny or interfere with a woman’s fundamental right to choose to bear a child or to choose to obtain an abortion, except as specifically permitted by this article.”

The exceptions are explained in Section 123466: “The state may not deny or interfere with a woman’s right to choose or obtain an abortion prior to viability of the fetus, or when the abortion is necessary to protect the life or health of the woman.”


Why The Rush To Legalize Marijuana Will Harm America

(Washington Stand) Earlier this month, President Biden pardoned 6,500 people across the nation who had been convicted in federal court of simple marijuana possession. Though the move didn’t free any of the 2,700 federal inmates convicted of marijuana possession, it did bring to the forefront a bill before Congress that may come to a vote in the upcoming lame duck session.

. . . .

Consider a few observations regarding current marijuana use. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the addictive ingredient in marijuana responsible for euphoria and intoxication. From 1995-2014, THC concentration in marijuana has tripled. In 2019, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory: “Recent increases in access to marijuana and in its potency, along with misperceptions of safety of marijuana endanger our most precious resource, our nation’s youth.”

Here are some statistics. Marijuana users are 25% more likely than non-users to be hospitalized, and national legalization would result in 6,800 more deaths for marijuana-impaired drivers. Marijuana use has been linked to a host of mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, psychosis, and even suicidal thoughts, especially among youth. Thirty percent of marijuana users will develop a cannabis use disorder, and they are also more likely to misuse prescription opioids. And despite arguments that marijuana is not a gateway to stronger drugs, more than 95% of heroin and cocaine users started with marijuana.


NBC News And Left Team Up To Take Control Of School Boards

(Faith and Freedom) NBC News said yesterday in a featured story, "Liberal parents are joining the school culture wars — but conservatives are way ahead."

"Multiple progressive groups are campaigning for school board candidates and training parents to become activists, but conservatives have a head start," they say.

With considerable concern, NBC warns the nation that the conservatives are taking over and how so-called "progressives" need to get in the game.

This call to action was, of course, given under the guise of "news."

. . . .

Back on July 12, 2021, the "news" organization quoted Jonathan Friedman, director of free expression and education at PEN America, a free speech advocacy group: "It’s 'highly alarming' that educators are resigning, facing dismissal and fearing for their lives due to conversations about racism and diversity."

He continued: “There is great risk that a creeping censoriousness will overtake our public schools, purging them of a diversity of teachers and talent and winnowing the critical lenses through which young people should be encouraged to view history and society."

Translated, he means he is panicked that fed-up parents and conservative school board members will control and stop the deeply rooted indoctrination of captive children in public classrooms.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

John Fetterman is a Fracking Liar

John Fetterman is a brain-dead liar.

His terrible debate performance was fully punctured when he said that he had "always" supported fracking.

Does "always" mean "not before, but now" in Fetterman Land?

He's not just a liar, but he's a "fracking" liar -- with a capital F!

Or is it just the frustration that comes with having auditory processing issues after a massive stroke?
Fetterman is dead in the water.

It's over for him. Dr. Oz should take nothing for granted, but he's got this race without any trouble.

Occupy Democrats Jumps the Shark

Chunk Fetterman in the Debate last night
Someone get him a Snickers bar!

Occupy Democrats will say and do anything to help Democrats win in November.

Yes, they lie.

Yes, they cheat.

Yes, they will steal ideas and promote theft in the streets.

But they have gone beyond mere lying, to absolutely beclowning themselves.

Look what they had to share about the Pennsylvania US Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz:

No. He. Didn't.

John Fetterman could not string together one cohesive sentence.

John Fetterman mispronounced words repeatedly.

A few times, he just straight up paused and said nothing. Those kinds of silent moments are a deadly for a political campaign, especially during a political debate.

He was confronted with a straight up contradiction on his stance on fracking. Four years ago, he opposed fracking. He was on record declaring his opposition to fracking. The two moderators during the debate confronted him about this stance. Then, four years later, Fetterman says that he supports fracking. Confronted with this glaring contradiction, Fetterman straight-up lied and said: "I have always supported fracking."

He is dead man walking at this point. Of course, Occupy Democrats can't tell the difference between someone who is alive or dead, as long as they are Democrats who will do whatever their political handlers tell them to do.

John Fetterman was Joe Biden with a beard.

Gays Against Groomers Reveals All: It's All About Protecting Their "Rights"

Gays Against Groomers is only interested in the gays, themselves, and protecting themselves from being called "groomers." The head of Gays Against Groomers, Jaimee Michell, admitted as much in the video below: She clearly says "You are the reason why our are rights will be rolled back." And what rights are they, exactly? No one really has a right to marry. Each one of us must ask for the privilege of marrying another person. No one can demand that the other person submit to that marriage. The marriage sacrament is not about adults, but about children and about the community as a whole. It's about more than the man and the wife.

To repeat, marriage involves a man and a woman. It's not about two men. It's not about two women.

Gays Against Groomers should be called "Grifters Against Groomers" or "Gays who Don't Want to Be Called Groomers." It's time to call out this nonsense and say "NO!" to the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.

People are not "born that way."

People do not discover at a young age that they were "born that way."

The behaviors are not natural, but actually quite harmful and demeaning.

No one's identity is tied up with their sexual feelings, and we should stop turning sexual perversion into a civil right. You cannot say that you oppose sexual perversion on children if you are engaging and celebrating the perversion yourself.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Living Rent Free: Prima Donna Vishal Counts "Death Threats"

Vishal Signh is a mental ill fake journalist who thinks that the world revolves around himself.

He talks to his cat by day. He smokes pot by night. He runs to an enabling therapist to justify all of his shameful life choices and lies.

And then he plays up his victimhood status, when the truth is that he has a long history of harming innocent people with his lies, all while covering up for Antifa's miscreance.

Check out this tweet:

The truth is that Vishal wants to kill himself.

He wants to erase his true identity, most likely to get rid of the shame of self-preoccupation which so consumes him.

Any individual who insists on trying to change his sex is suffering from serious delusions, and that person needs help, not enabling. The real death threat that he is facing is with himself.

WINNING! MassResistance attacked by left-wing publishing industry groups as part of “coordinated effort to ban books” around the country


MassResistance attacked by left-wing publishing industry groups as part of “coordinated effort to ban books” around the country.

Our success has hit a nerve among those pushing pornography on children in schools and public libraries.

Using fear-mongering tactics in attempt to marginalize anyone fighting to protect kids.

October 24, 2022
ALT TEXT The pro-LGBT publishing industry is angry at our success protecting children.

MassResistance’s successful efforts organizing parents to stop schools and libraries from providing lewd books to children have gotten the attention of the radical Left’s publishing groups. At issue are the many items containing graphic pornography and pushing LGBT sexual behaviors to children.

Last month the publishing cartel launched a campaign to attack and marginalize MassResistance and other pro-family groups that have been assisting parents. The occasion was the far-left American Library Association’s “Banned Book Week” (this year from September 18-24).


A weapon against parents

Leftist school and library officials accuse critics of “censorship” and “banning books” in order to shield themselves as they push graphic pornography, and normalize homosexuality, cross-dressing, transgender identification, and other perversions to children. They grossly distort the concept of “free speech” and claim that children have a “right to read” anything, including pornography. These arrogant people believe their values supersede parents’ wishes to shield their own children from harmful material.

ALT TEXT Distorting the truth to corrupt your children.

Parents who disagree and speak up are labeled as dangerous and extremist “censors.” They are portrayed as “a vocal minority” who want to “ban books” that talk about what the leftists label simply “controversial” or “uncomfortable” subjects. It can be very intimidating.

But when parents are organized and strategically fight back, this causes problems for the schools and libraries – and ultimately for the publishers of the sexual and “gender” propaganda (and outright pornography) aimed at kids. And MassResistance is in the forefront of this fight.

The pro-porn-for-kids cabal lashes out!

On September 19, a leftist “free expression in literature” group called Pen America published a fear-mongering screed titled “Banned in the USA: The Growing Movement to Censor Books in Schools.”

ALT TEXT Fear-mongering "report" by the porn-for-kids cabal.

The report included a discussion of MassResistance’s success getting books removed in a school district in Mississippi. It attempted to portray us as the most radical and dangerous (to the leftist cause) of the national pro-family groups.

That same day, the report was highlighted on the book industry site Publishing Perspectives. It was soon followed by an article in Vice (“New Report Links Rise in Book Bans to Anti-LGBTQ Groups”) and even some local newspapers.

Education Week interviews MassResistance

Within a day, MassResistance was contacted by a reporter from Education Week, a magazine that was considered mainstream (and trustworthy) years ago, but has joined the rest of the education establishment in its descent into far-left ideology.

The reporter interviewed Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance. During the interview, Camenker aggressively defended our anti-obscenity stance. He started out attacking the whole “freedom to read” shtick.

Years ago no parent ever complained about books in the library. But now just about every town has parents who are upset.

This so-called “Freedom to Read” is so much nonsense. This idea that children have a “freedom” to read pornography is very offensive. The question one should ask isn’t, “Who would want to ban these books?” The question should be, “Who would want them available for children?”

What’s going on in these people’s minds? What sexual issues are they having that this doesn’t bother them? The people who work in school libraries who think these books are good should probably be working in porn shops instead.

Camenker then described some of the sickening parts of This Book is Gay to the reporter – including instructions for kids on how to perform homosexual sex acts on each other. He also discussed similar scenes from another heavily sexualized book that a mother had recently testified about.

The reporter seemed taken off guard at that, but simply answered,

The experts that I’ve spoken with on this issue say that some of these books offer representation for LGBT students, and it helps them feel a sense of belonging when they see themselves in the curricula, which is why they say that it’s so harmful when they see these books are removed.

To which Camenker responded,

How can books about gross homosexual sex be possibly good for anybody? Those are simply the LGBT talking points, which are nonsense. Come on. If schools didn’t have these books, would kids feel unsafe?

Camenker then informed the reporter that the only reason that schools can have these books is a loophole exempting schools and libraries in most states’ obscenity laws regarding children. Without these loopholes, these people would be thrown in jail. The loopholes were originally passed by legislatures around the country decades ago to allow for legitimate artwork depicting some nudity (e.g., photos of Michelangelo’s "David" statue), and assumed that the library people would continue to have common sense.

She asked Camenker, “Why not let the books be available to some children and not others?” He responded that these books are objectively bad for everyone â€“ that’s why the obscenity and anti-porn laws regarding children exist.

And Camenker added that these people do not care how this negatively affects children:

What does exposing children to hard-core pornography do to them? It’s very chilling. Talk to an adult some time who was exposed to pornography as a child and find out what that did to him. It’s really bad. And there’s an enormous amount of research done on this. But your friends at the “freedom to read” nonsense don’t care about that. They only care about ideology.

Apparently, MassResistance was the only pro-family group willing to talk to on record about this issue. The reporter seemed surprised that Camenker answered every question and did not back down on anything.

The Education Week article – and our response!

Later that same day the Education Week article appeared. Camenker was extensively quoted, but the article was still terribly slanted and biased.

The reporter did not describe any of the disgusting and sickening contents of the books. Instead, she said that parents objected to “books about LGBT people and people of color,” which was purposefully misleading.

The reporter also did not mention the narrow exemptions to the laws protecting children from obscenity, which are the only reason these books can be in schools. Without those loopholes, the school officials clearly would be charged with a crime.

And of course, the reporter sought to demonize MassResistance by including the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center’s label of “hate group” – which the SPLC (itself being a hate group) has absurdly assigned to hundreds of pro-family organizations.

But unlike most pro-family groups, MassResistance did not sit still for that. Our National Field Director Arthur Schaper immediately called up the reporter, and also her editor. He informed them that we expected professionalism from them, not their usual biased smears. He went over the wording of the articles with them and demanded they tell the truth. In the end, they did make a modification (which is noted at the top of the article).

Other conservative media jump into the fray!

Before the dust settled on all this, a few prominent conservative sites weighed in. It was worth the wait!

On September 30, FrontPageMag published a hard-hitting article, Banned Books Bunkum - What the anti-book banning fetish in our schools is really about. As historical background, the article discussed two MassResistance exposĂ©s that made national news at the time: The 2000 “Fistgate” conference (see here and here) and the 2005 “Little Black Book” handed out at Brookline High School. Both atrocities occurred at GLSEN-Boston conferences.

The Heritage Foundation also published an article, Who Decides What Children Read? Authoritarians Slander Parent Groups as “Book Banners” sharply criticizing the original Pen America post and the Left’s “book banning” rants. The article didn’t mention the pro-family groups being targeted.

Final thoughts

The Left – including school and library officials who should obviously be fired – cannot defend what they do to children and parents except through lies, fear mongering, and name-calling. All of that needs to be directly confronted and upended. And then it needs to be vigorously and relentlessly replaced with the truth. Unfortunately, too many conservatives are not up to that task.

MassResistance is here to help!

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