Friday, December 8, 2023

IFF: Your Voice for Conservative Principles



Your Voice for Conservative Principles

Dear Arthur,

These days, we’re all very busy with our jobs, our families, businesses, and investments. Yet we also have to make time for the complicated and important work of keeping up with the government bureaucracy, regulations, taxes, and chicanery.

How can you do both? There are only so many hours in the day. How do you manage your own affairs and, importantly, how can you be sure that someone is speaking on your behalf — consistently and constantly communicating your values to the politicians in Boise?

That’s where the Idaho Freedom Foundation comes in. For 15 years, the IFF has been the voice of conservative, free-market principles in Idaho’s capital city. We know that families, charities, churches, and community organizations shrink whenever government grows. We provide the research and the data to prove it. We stand up for conservative values because when the people and organizations that represent the backbone of society start to crumble, so does the promise of America.

Government should not be in the education business. It should not be in the medical welfare business. It should not be in the lottery, alcohol, banking, media, or insurance businesses. Yet here we are: Idaho, the most politically conservative state in the country, has a government that has fully embraced socialism and has an education system that promotes Marxism.

As a result, people are suffering. Wages are too low, taxes are too high, and regulations are too stifling. Suicide is up, the quality of health care is down, and schools are failing. In the legislative session that starts in January, we will again be sharing the solutions to these problems, solutions that require difficult votes, an abundance of courage, and a willingness to boldly reject the empty promises of leftist special interest groups who have cleverly and quietly been in control of state affairs for decades.

Will you help us? Please consider a donation to the Idaho Freedom Foundation today. With your help, we will continue to turn the tide and restore Idaho’s rightful place as a laboratory of liberty, free from the tyranny of socialist policies, cronyism, and government mediocrity.

If you prefer to send a check, mail us at:

Idaho Freedom Foundation

802 W Bannock St Suite 405

Boise, Idaho 83702

Yours for Freedom,

Wayne Hoffman, president

Idaho Freedom Foundation

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