It does not help the community, it does not promote choice and it aggregates power to the few at the expense of the rest.
This program is a drama of Big Green greed colluding with government interventionism, and all of it is based on false premises about climate change, as if it's the next catastrophe requiring massive government intervention, as well as eroding individual liberty and city sovereignty.
This program is bad.
We successfully lobbied against this terrible program, since the Redondo Beach City Council voted 1 against, 1 abstain, and two for the program. The City Manager announced that the measure failed.
But now the Redondo Beach City Attorney claims that the vote would signal that the program passes.
So, the Redondo Beach City Council has to revote. We will ensure that more people who support individual liberty and want to stop government boondoggles will be there.
Two weeks later, the Beach Cities Republicans challenged CCA in Torrance, CA again.
Remember when Mayor Pat Furey had shouted at me that this program was not on the horizon?
Well, I guess he wasn't telling the truth, was he?
So, here we were again speaking against CCA in Torrance:
Here are some video clips from the meeting:
Check out what the Chief Sustainability Officer for Los Angeles County had to say, too:
Here are more reasons to say No to CCA:
Members of the city council offered a number of probing questions all of which shed light on why this proposal should be cancelled.
Councilmembers Herring and Ashcraft spoke out:
Here are Councilman Geoff Rizzo's deep concerns:
Councilman Mike Griffiths talked about the fudiciary responsibilities of the city council.
It only got worse when it was crystal clear to the audience that the CCA promoters had not provided enough information to the public about what is really going on:
Then came public comment.
Perry Johnson took the Big Greenies to school:
Perry Johnson droppped two huge bombs on the whole proposal.
1. The "functional" CCAs still rely on conventional--i,e, dirty--energy, especially Marin County.
2. Joe Galliani is going to get a six-figure salary if the JPA is formed. Follow the money!
This Torrance resident spoke in favor of CCA:
Other proponents proceeded from the argument that the Torrance refinery needs to be shut down.
This whole program is about forcing a Big Green Agenda, eroding our rights and undermining our financial base.
It's wrong, and we cannot have this.
For the final vote, the city council agreed with staff's recommendations to continue study into CCA.
Milton Herring was the lone no vote, and I commend his wisdom to vote "No!"
I am not happy with the other six councilmembers.
Following the comments from four of the city councilmembers, four votes should have shut down this program altogether
Time to stop CCA.
Contact the Torrance City Council, and urge all of them to reject Communistic, Corrupt Aggravation!
Get a life