Monday, September 12, 2011

Response to Marty Kaplan: "How Did this Happen in America?"

Mr. Kaplan's snobbish rhetoric is appalling and disappointing.

How can this Professor of Media relations begin to blame the near-nascent Tea Party movement for the stalling of our government? What have the Democrats offered in response that would assist the American people and restore the grandeur and prosperity of this country?

Contrary to his elite and smug invective, the United State has not become "captive to a band of ideologues and fundamentalists." We were attacked by such people on September 11, 2001.

And how in the world can this man malign the frustrating genius of our Constitution, with its checks and balances and division of powers, as the root cause of our nation's woes?

Like many progressive liberals, Mr. Kaplan targets the washed-up old-fashioned Framers of the Constitution, whose "sclerotic" system of checks and balances apparently fails to take in to account the recriminations of human ambition, still very much on display in this "we-are-the-change-we-have-been-waiting-for" Obama Administration.

The Tea Party Movement emerged partly in response to the corporate cronyism that has throttled the Beltway with backroom deals and pork barrel spending, which exploded during the Bush Administration, and astronomically so during the current Presidency.

In typical liberal-elitist fashion, Kaplan denounces Joe the Plummer as a mindless victim of "spectator democracy", which hardly describes the galvanized Tea Party Movement, a dedicated and growing populist movement that has channeled the rising national frustration with deficit spending, erupting national debt, and outrageously unfunded entitlements into signficant electoral reversals.

The only "bewildered herd" in the current political mix-up is the knee-jerk liberal Mainstream Media which refuses to acknowledge the blunt obvious: Obama-Keynesian economic policies are further bankrupting this country and dragging us down the Road to Serfdom.

We the People refuse to be taken down such a hateful, tyrannical path. Our obstinate tenacity to constitutional government does not constitute the majority of Americans as a mindless horde giving into the flimsy props of corporate-financed campaigning.

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