Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PTSD: Overdiagnosed and Easily Defeated

We have all had to endure trying times in our lives.

Whether we have been abused by a loved one, physically, mentally, or spiritually.

Whether we have lost our way, whether we deceived ourselves with thinking too much or leaning on the understanding of others fraught with mistakes and misjudgments.

Yet the human mind is of such a limited and distorted capacity, that it will generalize, nay globalize one local mishap of our lives into a Defining Moment, one which may haunt us repeatedly throughout the day.

What instigates this self-flagellation?

We are desperate to reconcile are disparate recollections with the unexpected outcomes and painful results of our lives.

If only I had spoken up. . .

Why was I afraid to say something. . .?

What will happen if I do what I feel is right, even if it makes no sense to me or anyone else?

How do I protect myself from being hurt again?

Our obsessive need for self-defense, rather than protecting us, causes us to self-destruct or self-implode, cutting us off from the One who does protect us, from the world which is real, and closes us into a world within us, built on a false premise.

Hence, the widespread surge of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among victims of abuse, a pernicious, over-diagnosed non-military variety. Victims relive or repress the hurt, only to find that, like a wayward uncompromising beach ball, the emotionally taut moment bursts forth again.

Rather than attacking emotions, rather than living as victims of one's apprehensions, which have no bearing on the world as is before oneself, let every person who rethinks, relives, and regrets consider a different frame of mind.

What exactly happened? What was your part, for better or for worse?

If abused, if lost, if mistaken inexorably, ask yourself: was it because you reflected too little, or perhaps too much on devising and ideal outcome for yourself?

Did you misplace your trust? Do you now feel that you must discharge completely, never again to place yourself at the grace -- or mercy -- of another? One person hurt you, it was not your fault, but do not allow the harm of one person to harm yourself or others.

Post Traumatic Stress Order as a life-and-death breach is understandable and lamentable. The men and women who fought for us, who risked their lives to preserve our rights, deserve every effort to integrate the truth of their more secure, state-side status apart from the tortures of combat.

Those who have suffered in their homes or at the behest of friends and family: do not live a victim of a lie, a devilish deception born of trying to safeguard yourself from the harm of one person, or one situation. Destroy the lie that you must protect yourself at all costs. Do away once and for all with the perverse deception that exaggerated self-apprehension can, will, or should protect.

Jesus said:

"And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind." (Luke 12:29, KJV)

The phrase "doubtful mind" in the original language reads "meteĊrizesthe", which means "unsettled", or literally ""suspended in midair," like a "meteor." Jesus has not called us to live in constant dread and suspense, above the desirable eternal stability of His Love. Why?

"For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:30-32, KJV)

No matter what predation or deprivation you may have endured, the one thing, the same one needful thing that Mary received -- despite her harried and hurried sister -- is to sit at the feet of the Master and receive his Word, His Love, His Spirit, and His consummate power.

And the one thing that you need, God himself wishes to give you! It is His Good pleasure, His Greatest Desire for you to Have his Holy Spirit (cf Luke 11:13), his powerful, ever-present love, a Certainty unwavering and unassailable.

No Trauma past, present, or future, can separate you from the all-encompassing power of God (cf Romans 8:35)

His Perfect Love casts out fear ((1 John 4:18)

What if your faith in His love is imperfect, or incomplete?

Cry out: "I believe, help thou mine unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)

The lie, the unbelief, borne of that one event, which permeates into our daily interactions, must be eradicated.

Remember: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)

And fear not! because:

"Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." (I John 4:4)


"And having spoiled principalities and powers, he [Jeus!] made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it." (Colossians 2:15)

So, the one thing you need, He is more than ready to give you.

The one enemy, the powerless powers and principalities, can be dispensed with easily, for you are at war with a defeated foe, whatever the lie may be that still traumatizes you needlessly.

We are not called to be victims of our past, our miserable in our present, or fearful of our future, for,

"We are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37)

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