Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fiscal Discipline and Constitutional Government: Complementary, not Identical

Constitutional Government will necessarily induce limited government, as the Constitution prescribed the Federal Government to clearly outlined limitations.

Yet we must not confuse the over-desire for less government with no government, nor should we starve the beast, at risk of killing it outright.

The Constitution, properly interpreted in light of its original ratification, must guide the proper slash and burn retraction of government that will eliminate the outrageous overgrowth of government in the private, local, and state spheres.

Respect the law of the land, which respects the limits of federal authority, which respects the supremacy of individual right and state sovereignty, all of which will reduce the size, scope, and cost of government.

If populist rhetoric must reform its message, it would be to consolidate the demands for fiscal discipline and limited government into Restoration of the full impact, import, and imputation of the United States Constitution.

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