Tuesday, July 23, 2024

LA County Democratic Party Gaslights Praise for Joe Biden

The LA County Democratic Party proves how undemocratic the whole system has become.

They are lining up behind a candidate who did not win one primary vote, neither in 2020 nor in 2024.

Yet behind the scenes, there was nothing but gnashing machinations to get rid of Biden and replace him with someone slightly more competent, not suffering from dementia and Parkinson's Disease all wrapped together.

Once Biden fell on his own sword, the Democratic Party rolled out all their favorable press releases praising him for putting the country ahead of himself.

He was forced to quit. Let's not fool ourselves here.

Hi Arthur,

I'm sure you've heard the news: President Biden dropped out of the presidential race yesterday. 

Joe Biden made an incredibly difficult and patriotic decision, but it is one that Donald Trump would never be able to make: President Biden put his country before himself. 

Joe Biden's legacy will be one of historic job growth, dedication to his country, and championing rights for all Americans. I want to take a minute to thank him for his decades of public service to our country. 

Listen, Arthur, I'm not going to sugar coat it; we have tremendous amounts of work to do. It is more important than ever that Democrats stand united and come together to defeat hatred, division, MAGA extremism, and the horrifying Project 2025.  

We are 105 days out from Election Day, and it is imperative that we elect Kamala Harris and defeat Donald Trump and JD Vance. 


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