Sunday, December 2, 2012

No More Nativity Scenes in Santa Monica

The United States District Court has upheld the right of a dedicated group of non-Christians not to look at Nativity scenes along Palisades Park. The rights of "everyone else" apparently means very little to our federal judiciary.
Santa Monica’s “Rent Control Board” is bad enough. Now the city is imposing “thought control” or “belief buffering” as well. Baby Jesus is no longer welcome in Palisades Park. In Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph at least found a stable with a manger, cows lowing and the stars shining. There will be no "Happy Hanukah" either, since one interest does not care if a "Big Miracle Happened There". I supposed the next step will be to remove the United States Constitution from our schools, too.
This ruling is not a win for “Freedom of Religion”, but a desperate attempt by the “Freedom from Religion Foundation” to impose their irreligious views and irrational legal findings on the rest of Santa Monica, as well as visitors who for nearly half a century enjoyed the festive displays during holiday season. Do they want to ban Christmas trees, next? Or perhaps anyone named “Christopher” from the confines of the city limits, too? Maybe a group of dedicated Buddhists should protest and demand the dismantling of the Ferris Wheel on Santa Monica Pier, since the carnival ride has an eerie resemblance to their faith’s prayer wheel.
Instead of “Occupy Wall Street”, perhaps a holiday version of “Occupy Lincoln Blvd.” is in order, complete with crèches,Christmas carols, and an outspoken desire to wish peace on earth and good will to all men. Then again, a coalition called “Freedom from Peace and Good Will” may turn up and file suit.
Bah, Humbug!

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