Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prager's Take on Arguing with God

I respect Dennis Prager’s notion that Jews as a rule argue with the Ruler of the Universe.

I do not respect the notion that God merely succumbs to a petulant stand-off, like a wearied parent worn-out from explaining the obvious to an over-thinking teenager.

Job the patriarch argued with God, only to close his mouth in shame, realizing that he spoke of things which he did not understand. Moses argued with God, only to witness God relent time and again against His “Stiff-necked” people. Jacob wrestled with God, only to be wounded in his thigh. Later, the Lord renamed him “Israel”, which also means “prince with God.”

People who argue with God have the vain notion of knowing better, and like the pot chiding the potter to gasp “What doest thou?”, they arrogantly and naively deem themselves worthy of putting God on trial. People who play God either pray to Him and receive His grace, or they pay for their resistance with bitterness, frustration, and unsupported atheism. The indubitable certitude of a conference of atheists actually witnesses to the fanatical blind attachment that people have to an empty humanism which has allowed man to make gods or unmake God altogether.

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