Monday, November 7, 2011

Unemployed Run Out of Benefits

It is fitting to witness individuals no longer able to draw on unemployment benefits in the wake of the ongoing anemic recovery.

A number of firms have admitted that they have work to offer, but most prospective employees have turned down the jobs, in part because the benefits which they receive from the state surpass the salary one would receive.

The drying up of unemployment benefits is not in itself a bad thing. In time, as the 99 weeks of free money falls away, more people in search of work will settle for a job rather than waiting around for something that suits their minute tastes.

This elitism is the very thing which has motivated many middle-class entitled and unemployed to Occupy everywhere. They refuse to work anywhere not in line with the four-year degree they have earned from an august institution; therefore, they rebel.

Yet such stuffy, stiffened attitudes only undermine the much-needed work ethic which many people need to develop, regardless of the ideal employment which they seek.

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