Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Response to "Sounds of Liberal Silence"

Regarding Ruben Navarrette's criticism of the President's immigration policy, it seems uncanny and ironic that the policy decisions in which Presidents excel during their administrations usually fall outside of the popular mandates of their party and their base.

I commend President Obama for cracking down on illegal immigration in practice, although in form he insists on waging frivolous lawsuits against Arizona and Alabama. Those states are shoring up authority where the federal government is conspicuously lacking, while the President insists on shoring up his disillusioned base by thwarting those states' efforts.

On all other matters, I would certainly agree that Hispanics are trending like many black voters, who automatically choose the Democratic candidate, no matter who inept, incompetent, or unscrupulous.

If Hispanics want to do better for themselves, they need to elect limited-government conservatives, who promote free markets, free enterprise, and free people, including immigrants and naturalized citizens.

Overregulation, bureaucratic inconsistencies, and government waste frustrate the respectable will of many immigrants who want to join this country legally. Instead of half-meaures like guest worker permits and blanket amnesties, the federal government needs to streamline the immigration process, provide clear fee schedules and guidelines, and expedite the naturalization process.

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