Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reflections on the Fall of Joe Paterno Part III

Following the cover-up of heinous allegations of sex abuse committed by one of his assistant coaches, it was a matter of time before he would be held to answer. Even if he had done no wrong, we must appreciate that the wonder and record of man’s actions are I subject to decay in light of eternity, as will all of man’s works apart from God. That JoePa’s downfall from the heights of honor was precipitated in so short a time for failing to stop perversion is commensurate with a righteous God who cannot tolerate anything less than perfection from mankind.

Yet we must not descend into despair for ourselves or anyone else – even Joe Paterno and those who have allegedly harmed others. By the Lord working in our lives, removing from us a sinful nature and replaced with a heart of grace, we can all be made righteous, to the degree that we can receive a new heart from the Lord, that we may walk perfectly in all the Lord’s statutes, with blame or blemish.

This new heart can enter into us through the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit, which every one can receive by grace through faith in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ!

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