Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Do Not Believe in Public Anything

In one Principal's office, I read a bizarre marquee:

"I believe in public education."

For my part, I do not believe in public ANYTHING.

Public matters necessarily diffuse the individuals needs and varieties of human experience.

The more diffusion, the better. The more that we invest in permitting private initiative, the better.

The more that we expect young people to fend for themselves and connect with their families, communities, and churches, the more people, places, and things that they will find to believe in.

For my part, anything public by nature belongs to the state, and I do not believe in the state.

The last time a group of people, even a nation, believed in the state, millions of undesirables were marched off to concentration camps to be exterminated, or attempts at Utopian-Communism turned daily into a veritable hell for the masses of poor struggling for liberty to survive.

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