Monday, September 19, 2011

Scott Brown: Hold the Line in the Bay State

The Bay State is better served by reelecting Senator Scott Brown.

Let's recap the stunning event that occurred in the Bay State in January 2010.

A minority party candidate pulled off a 53% upset victory in a state whose voter registration was slanted against him 3-to-1. How did Brown do it?

He campaigned for the People's seat, unsettling any crass claim of a Kennedy legacy.
He campaigned in an off-year for Democrats, saddled with the albatross Barack Obama. He campaigned to stop the passage of an onerous federal medical insurance mandate, which would have laid a further burden on the residents of Massachusetts.

The last thing that anyone in Old Mass, or in any part of New England, needs to do is to elect another Progressive Democrat into the Senate, one who will not support repeal of Obamacare, and respect the independence of the Commonwealth.

Senator Brown has more than made his case to his constituents. He votes his conscience, he respects the will of his constituents, yet his presence in the Senate ensures that every state in the Union, including liberal-leaning Massachusetts, will retain some semblance of sovereignty in the years ahead, including the imminent repeal of the oppressive and offensive Obamacare mandate.

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