Saturday, September 17, 2011

Reponse to "UN-vote"

"The Israelis cannot have security at the expense of Palestinian freedom."

Nonsense. Have we not seen the whole Bush doctrine of safeguarding our liberty by promoting and supporting its advancement in the world?

"Palestinian freedom" is a crass oxymoron. Their artificial status from Jordanian refugees to Arabs in a nation in every way minus official, UN recognition is the very legal fiction which has exacerbated the friction in the Middle East since Israel became a nation.

You cannot give freedom to anyone, it must be claimed. Freedom is not an artifact for a state that does not exist, nor ever will. And the chief hindrance to everyone recognizing this truth is the warmongering Arab and Muslim states hostile to the existence of Israel, forbidding the refugees in the West Bank to enter Jordan or the other surrounding Arab states to establish their own identity.

Besides, those living in the West Bank enjoy more freedom under the military supervision of Israel than they would ever hope to receive in another Arab state.

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