Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Christian Walker: Another Gay CON-Servative Grifter

Update (October 5th, 2022):

According to Dinesh D'Souza, Christian Walker's parents divorced when he was only three years old! How could he possibly have carried any kind of grudge against his father, or known anything about serious abuse?

Here's what he had to share yesterday:

Indeed, it sure sounds as though Christian is just mouthing whatever his mother has been telling him. And here we have yet another proof of the emotional and psychological pathology that foments homosexual tendencies: an overbearing mother and a distant father.

Once again, we need to stop celebrating and normalizing homosexuality. We need to show people that individuals who want to flaunt their homosexuality and grift.


Gay CON-Servative Grifter Christian Walker

Fake Gay "conservative" Christian Walker loves bouncing around telling people how great he is.

He loves to showcase his clothes, his shopping, his conservative-lite virtue-signaling.

Now he's going on a tear against his "deadbeat" dad who is running for US Senate in Georgia.

Check out his latest tweet storm:

But hold on a sec. For a long time, Christian was more than happy to suck up the limelight with his Dad, and not once did he complain about him being an absentee or abusive father:

He was sure happy to give Daddy a big hug last year, too: What's going on here? Go back a little further, and you can see earlier interviews of Herschel Walker with his son Christian, when he made the decision at a younger age to be a cheerleader: Doesn't seem to me that Herschel had abandoned his son. It sure seems to me that he was trying to repair the relationship with this son, in fact. And some more: So, what's really going on here? I suspect that Christian Walker's grift has run dry. He was a fixture on the social media scene because was a so-called conservative in California. When he decided to move to Florida, he should have also realized that he was not going to unique anymore. His grift was going to dry up, since there are lots of minority conservatives and so-called "gay CON-servatives" in Florida, too.

There are deeper issues to consider, of course. Christian Walker is bitter towards his dad, no doubt. Bitterness towards anyone causes sexual dysfunction of all kinds, hence Christian Walker's struggles with same-sex attraction.

He has emotional problems, psychological issues, and he is highly narcissistic. What can one say, except that he is confirming what honest, up-front pro-family activists have been declaring for a long time: homosexuality is a mental illness, not a benign eccentricity. Individuals who wrestle with same-sex attraction are dealing with one or more of four issues: 1) abuse 2) neglect 3) confusion 4) molestation.

In the case of Christian, it sounds like neglect and confusion are key problems, along with the abuse he may have suffered in the broken home of his mother and father. Put all of this together with a heady media presence and conservative influencers who want to make a little money, and you have another grifter.

To a larger point, however, it's time for conservative activists to take a firm stance against the normalization of LGBT behaviors and identities in the public square, including the conservative movement generally.

1 comment:

  1. You do realize that Herschel Walker lies constantly right. And did threaten his family multiple times: https://www.vice.com/en/article/7k84ze/herschel-walker-ex-wife-domestic-abuse-ad
    He admitted to it. Why should we belief that Herchel doesn't threaten his family behind the scenes to get them to act how he wants them to?
