Monday, September 6, 2021

West High School Teacher Margaret Cunningham: Pushing LGBT, BLM Indoctrination in the Classroom

Last week, I asked residents, parents, outraged citizens in general to report to me about any LGBT, BLM, CRT indoctrination in their kids' classrooms and school districts.

And boy, people did not disappoint.

Here's the first teacher that I am exposing: Margaret Cunningham of West High School.

Here's a statement that I received from an outraged parent in the city:

It has come to my attention that two TUSD [Torrance Unified School District] West High English teachers have decided to show their support of Black Lives Matter on publicly funded school property and while acting as teachers to our children.

English teacher Margaret Cunningham [TUSD PROFILE] has placed BLM and LGBT flags in her classroom.  This would be perfectly fine if it was displayed in her own home, but since our schools are publicly funded, I believe the teachers need to stay politically neutral and they need to stop indoctrinating our kids with their own personal beliefs.  Besides being a complete disrespect for our flag and country, it is disgrace to see it even being allowed by the administration.

TUSD needs to enact policies that would stop teachers from pushing their own personal agendas and views in the classroom. 

There is no Freedom of Speech when it comes to teaching our kids. The teachers can’t just say and do as they please. They must stay on subject, follow the curriculum, and avoid injecting personal beliefs into the discussion. Just imagine if the tables were turned. 

Indeed, students in a classroom are a captive audience. When parents drop their students off at the local public school, the school and the personnel take on the role of parens patrie, i.e. "the government, or any other authority, regarded as the legal protector of citizens unable to protect themselves.

Once students enter the classroom, they are under the care of that teacher and that school campus until the end of the school day. Students are not permitted to leave the campus any time they want to, and they are not permitted to just walk out of class to object to certain materials being pushed on them.

I disagree to only a small extent with the parent who shared with me this tip. I do not believe people should be promoting destructive ideologies or harmful sexual conduct in the public square anywhere, including the classroom.

Teachers occupy a relationship of trust in their classrooms, and for them to push these ideologies on students is not just cruel, it's unethical. It is also illegal for teachers to be pushing a political agenda onto studentst, too (Weingarten v. Board of EducationHazelwood v. Kuhlmeier)

Now, how do we know that Mrs, Cunningham is pushing BLM and LGBT ideologies in her classroom?

A student took photos in the classroom and passed them onto the parent, who then passed them onto me.

Here are the photos:

The black socialist fist alone is disturbing. Socialism and the violent implications of this agenda should not be lost on anyone. The fact that teachers in the United States think that encouraging this kind of agenda is just ourageous.

Then there was this flag:

The blue flag with the yellow equal sign is from "The Human Rights Campaign." If there ever was a hate group, it's the "Human Rights Campaign." They push the false notion that disordered sexual conduct like homosexuality and transgenderism are not only normal, but should be celebrated, promoted, and protected. 

What's worse, the Human Rights Campaign was founded by homosexual activist Terrence Patrick Bean, who was later arrested for a computer crime in connection with trying to pay off a victim who was going to testify against Bean for sex crimes he had committed against him.

The Human Rights Campaign should not be promoted in any classroom!

Such filth has no business being promoted in a classroom AT ALL!

Of course, the radical teacher has to push the LGBT flag. This is more of the same offense. These subjects, these movement have NO BUSINESS being promoted in a classroom.

Should teachers start encouraging students to smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs as well? The harms of those behaviors are just as pervasive as the sexual degeneracy of homosexuality, transgenderism, and the like. No, people are not "born that way," either, and it's wrong to push this cultural marxist political agenda onto children in any way, shape, or form.

"Black Lives Matter" is a great slogan. Yes, black lives do matter. ALL LIVES MATTER. Ironically, the movement has a perverse disregard for black lives in general, considering the number of black businesses, homes, and communities which have been destroyed or lost due to the violent pillagings of this terrible hate group.

"Black Lives Matter" movements are made up mostly of upper-middle class white people who want to atone for self-perceived wrongs. They virtue-signal a sense of moral superiority, treating people with different skin colors as automatically downcast, unable to survive or thrive in the United States or around the world. Cursory views of crime and prison statistics do indicate a disproportionate number of black people are in jails. 

What is not taken into account is that too many black kids are born into single-parent homes, where there is no father. Many black communities growing up in political corrupt environments which prize the interests of a few well-connected politicians over the well-being of the community, including the  rule of law, commitments to public safety, and provision of essential services.

Mrs. Cunningham should be ashamed of herself for this viewpoint hegemony in her classroom. She has a responsibility not just to educate her students, but to educate them to think for themselves and to be free of these destructive biases and ideologies in her classroom.

First thing: If you have any other tips about bad teachers in the classroom, please contact me:

Arthur Schaper, Organization Director, MassResistance


Cell: (781) 474-3005

Main Website: 


Contact this teacher and tell her stop pushing BLM/LGBT indoctrination in the classroom.

Contact the administration at West High School, and tell them to start following up and enforcing viewpoint neutral standards on campus in the classroom. Students should be free to learn without being indoctrinated with harmful ideologies like communism, socialism, racialism, and LGBT promotion.

Contact the Torrance Unified School Board to start enacting clearcut policies to end this viewpoint discrimination and indoctination in Torrance classrooms.

Here is key contact information:

Margaret Cunningham

English Teacher

The administration for West High School:

Principal: :Jenna Murata

 Phone: (310) 533-4299 x7681



Assistant Principals

Ian Eddy

 Phone: (310) 533-4299 x7691


Michaele Scheerle

Phone: (310) 533-4299 x7701


Eric Spotts

Phone: (310)533-4299 x7692


Torrance Unified School Board

Jeremy L. Gerson



James Han



Jasmine Park


Betty Lieu



Anil Muhammad



  1. Schools are supposed to educate and not indoctrinate the students. Part of the problem is that the left thinks our children don't belong to the parents but to the state and by extension to the teachers. NO, they are our kids. The NAZIs and communists in the last century had that philosophy and in the process killed at least 130 million innocent human beings My mom who was 9 when Hitler took over her homeland in 1933 she witnessed the evil of Nazism first hand and was required to join the Hitler Youth which was not a volunteer organization like the girls scouts. I can read English because my mom spend an hour a day having me read to her for many months until I she saw I could now read this new language called English by myself. No teacher taught me how to read English. How could they since they didn't speak my native language? There were 25 or so other kids in the classroom and the teacher couldn't spend an hour a day having me read to them and correcting me. One good thing has come out of the pandemic and the school lockdowns is that many parents have become aware of what is being taught their kids and they are shocked and outraged. I am sure glad that my daughter graduated from W. High 8 years ago and hopefully was not indoctrinated by this teacher. There are some wonderful teachers at W. High. One who comes to mind is Mrs. Chambers who teaches science. Our daughter's science teacher in 8th. grade at Jefferson Middle School was so bad our daughter didn't want to have anything to do with science anymore. She had Mrs. Chambers in 9th. grade and started loving science again. I think Mrs. Chambers is responsible for our daughter getting her Masters of Science degree in Kinesiology from Wake Forest Univ. this summer. If Mrs. Cunnigham is so concerned about BLM then why doesn't she transfer to an inner city school like in LAUSD and help minority kids get a quality education. A quality education sure helps when you go out looking for a good paying job. Very few employers are going to care how woke you are but they will care that you can read, write and do math. I don't expect Ms. Cunnigham to apply at Pasadena High or at Fairfax High. Lady put your money were your mouth is!!!

  2. Thank you so much for publishing this incredibly valuable information!! I am personally OFFENDED at what these teachers think they can get away with!! Promoting human rights, a KNOWN LIBERAL SCAM, in a sacred space of education should be ILLEGAL! Everyone knows that all the SOCIALIST MARXIST ""WOKE"" LIBERALS want is for humans to have rights and feel ""COMFORTABLE"" expressing who they are!! WAKE UP??? Why should ME have to change how I refer to YOU just so you can feel respected?? Pronouns are complete NONSENSE and I refuse to USE THEM (EVEN ONES LIKE "THEM" or "I"). It is also INSANE to me that THE TEACHER is PROMOTING the LEFTIST DEMOCRAT NON-PARTISAN ORGANIZATION """ACLU""" that claims to ""DEFEND THE RIGHTS"" of AMERICANS???? HELLO??? WE already HAVE an ORGANIZATION that DEFENDS our RIGHTS!!! IT is called a GUN SHOP! Why do these MARXIST SOCIALIST COMMUNIST WOKE LIBERALS want to """LET PEOPLE VOTE""" when all they're going to do with their VOTING POWER is to PUSH their SPACE ANTIFA AGENDA on our INNOCENT CHILDREN????


  3. Against Human Rights but is a Human? Make it make sense.
